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002:Save Me

||Jung Jae Chan

"OK,Ms. Nam Hong Joo,I'm gonna ask you a few questions,You have the right to refuse to answer the questions that may be used against you

You also have the right to hire an attorney during these questioning."I slid my fingers across my laptop's keyboard.

"I... Didn't cause the accident"She said,looking straight at me.

I sigh "That's what you told the detective yesterday,correct?"

"Yes,They didn't believe me though.."She trailed off..

"But Ms. Nam,All of these evidences points at you,because of the accident you had caused..A guy with your sister..has died"


"Yes,the guy you had hit was a close friend of you sister and I believe they we're about to meet up."

"But... Why did no one tell me about it?!"

"We we're afraid that you'd react recklessly since you weren't alert enough until now.."

"But..I didn't even drive! Lee Yoo Beom drove instead of me!"

"That's why we interviewed him."

"What did he say?"

"He said that's what he regrets the most,he should've driven instead of you.."

"But I gave him my car keys!"

"According to this CCTV Footage,You were rescued from the driver's seat and Lawyer Lee was on the passenger's seat.."Mr. Choi added.

"Then someone must've tampered with the evidence,I was fully unconscious after the accident so that person must've moved me to the driver's seat and remove they're blood,replacing mine on the airbag.."

"By 'someone' do you mean.."Mr. Choi trailed off.

"It must be Yoo Beom!"

I typed and clicked over the keyboard of my laptop quickly.."And You think you've been framed,correct?"She nodded her head at me...

"That's a speculation..Unfortunately..I believe evidences than mere speculations,and none of these supports your claims.."I informed

"What will I do? I don't have anything to prove my innocence.."She asked to me..

"I'm afraid but the only choice you have is to turn yourself in and admit your crimes,denying it at all costs may cause even more harm."

"I already told you! I didn't drive that day!"


"Ms. Nam Hong Joo,What do you think you are doing?!"I screeched,hesitantly trying to reach out to her..

"Don't come any closer!!"She screamed at me,moving slightly dangerous over the railing.

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