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Hi! My name is Kyle Broflovski.

I'm 14 years old. I live in south park with my friends Stan and Kenny! Cartman I guess really isn't a friend but some how there.

I guess I was a happy boy before a girl came to my path. That's right a girl! Her name is Y/n L/n! She is very gorgeous, the most wonderful girl to stubble into my arms...


That was Two months ago...

Y/n L/n... She happens to be missing...

She disappeared one day at least 2 days ago... I've been searching for her day and night not giving up. So ill be telling you everything that happened before she disappeared.

It started on a Wednesday. I went to 2nd hour like usual but the teacher came in and said "ok students today we have a new student! Her name is Y/n L/n" she says but I just look down reading the title of my book.

"So Y/n tell us about yourself" the teacher says as I look up "Well as you know my name is Y/n, I love to draw, I like to sing a little, I like to act, and I'm very nervous but you can't really tell" she explains. But I look at her details.

Her hair was so pretty. Her face had such a beautiful detail. And her eyes sparkled like the ocean(or the night). As I felt my face heat up then my throat got dry as the teacher sais my name.

"Kyle? Kyle raise you hand so y/n knows where to sit" they says so my hand shoots up "hey Kyle I'm Y/n" she says sitting in the desk beside me. "Hey" I say looking at her.

"Want to be my first friend here?" She asks "sure I guess another isn't so bad" I say as she laughs a little. She holds her hand out and we shake hands.

"So where did you move from?" I ask "I moved from (state, and city)" she says "oh wow" I say. "So how long have you lived here?" She asks "I guess my whole life" I say and she looks shocked.

"What like thirteen years?" She asks "well fourteen" I say "fourteen!?" She whisper yells then covers her mouth. I smile a little seeing her shocked expression made her cute.

"Hey want to sit with me at lunch?" I ask "yea ok" she says smiling "great!" I say. We had spent the rest of class talking instead of learning then the bell rang.

*Ding Ding*

"Hey any other hours I have with you?" She asks holding a paper "here let me see... Uh you have math which is done, science, Gym, and history with me" I say and she nods "ok then bye" she says "bye" I say and wave bye.

"Hey Kyle!" Stan says as he puts his arm around my shoulder "hey dude" I say "who's that" he said pointing at y/n "that's y/n she new here" I say "oh I guess ill go say hi" he says and walks over.

I just shrugged and went to my next class.


Skip to lunch(I know first time skip)

"Kyle!" I hear my name be called as I turn to see Y/n jogging to me "Hey!" I say "so where do you sit?" She asks "with these guys" I say as we walk to my table.

"Guys, meet Y/n. Y/n meet Kenny, Stan, and Cartman" I say "hey" they all say "hi!" She says as she sits down. "So your new?" Kenny asks looking at her up and down "yes I am but I wouldn't try anything" she says.

Mostly Cartman stayed quiet I didn't really know why but I didn't care. "I can't believe you came two months before school ends" Stan says "eh my mom is the one who wanted to marry someone" she says.

"If your wondering my dad isn't dead he's off with some other woman" she says "oh..." We all say "my dad didn't rely want to marry so she's just his girlfriend" she says.

"Oh" we all say "so have you met your new step dad?" I ask "yea he is pretty nice. Nicer than my real dad." She says but she starts to change the subject. And if you are wondering no her dad wasn't gross he just always gave her chores and thought she had to be a hard worker.

"So why do you guys like?" She asks. Kenny being Kenny "women" he says "interesting..." She says "Stan what do you like?" She asks "hanging out with my best friends and Wendy" Stan says "Wendy?" She asks "that's my girlfriend" he says "is it that one?" She asks pointing to Wendy..

"Actually yes" I say "isn't she pretty?" Stan says staring at her. "...I guess so?" Y/n says "so Kyle what do you like?" She asks looking into my eyes.

"I like sports mostly basketball. I'm into music I guess" I say "I used to play basketball wasn't really my sport" she says smiling. "Well were not always good at evrrything" I say.

"Hey should we all hang out after school?" Kenny asks "yea sure" me and Stan say "I guess" Cartman says. "How about you Y/n?" I ask "I guess ill tag along" she says "great!" I say.

After lunch she school day went on like usually but this time Y/n was here. So when the school day ended I waited at the front like usual waiting for them.

As they started to come I see Wendy and Bebe chatting with Y/n. Probably trying to get her to join cheerleading. "Yea that's cool Wendy but cheerleading isn't my calling so I hung up a long time ago" Y/n says "aww if you insist" Wendy says with puppy dog eyes "ok bye!" Y/N says.

"Ok then bye Y/n!" Bebe says as Wendy follows her. "Why didn't you join cheerleading?" Kenny asks "well... I got no reason to join... So why do it?" She says "plus I'm not really meant for the spotlight" she says.


"Its really cold here" y/n says "I guess your not used to the weather here" I say "nope the weather back home is much different" "like how different?" Kenny asks and she explains to him how different her town is from our town.

Kenny did look amazed but that's just Kenny. Stan did listen to most of it Cartman didnt listen at all while I listen to every word she said.

I knew I was blind at the time to even realize I love her but that doesn't happen for at least a few days later. And this is just day one.

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