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Its been a week since Y/n has moved here. She had difficult times, but I was always there to help her. Sometimes it got so bad I had to have Stan and Kenny help. But usually we did it.

"Hey Kyle?" Y/n asked "yes?" I say "my mom said I can invite someone over now that I'm actually moved in, so... Would you like to come over for dinner?" She asked so shyly "yes ill go I'd be rude not to" I said as I closes my textbook.

"Your done already!?" She whispered yelled "im always the first person to be done" I said "Wow Kyle your so smart!" She says with her cheeks blushing. "Well your smart to!" I say and she smiles.

"Look at them! So cute right!?" Someone whispers to someone "I know right!?" They says back. I turned to see Kenny and Stan whispering to each other.... "Oh hey Kyle...." They both said. "What the heck are you guys doing!?" I whispered to them "watching you guys be cute" Kenny said poking his fingers together.

"Oh so while I'm talking to you do you know what's wrong with Cartman?" Stan Says "no dude but now that you say it he hasn't really ripped on me for being Jewish..." I say. "Maybe... He's in a bad spot?" Kenny says "he's always in a bad spot Kenny" I say.

"Something changed him." I say "or what if it was someone!" Kenny says pointing to y/n as she moves hair from her eyes. "Dude why would Cartman like someone. Its unnatural" I say glaring at Kenny.

"And someone has definently changed you~" Kenny says again pointing at Y/n. "I hate you" I say "so I'm right?" Kenny asks "uh may-" "he said yes!" Stan interrupted me as they fangirled.

"You guys are so weird" I say rolling my eyes. The bell rang as we all went to the hall. "Hey Y/n!" Wendy says "oh uh hi!" She replies. "Wanna come with me to the mall?" Wendy asks "I mean its the end of the day you know" she adds.

"No not tonight, maybe next week?" Y/n said and walked to her locker. I turned to my locker opening it then stuffing my stuff into my bag. As I was still putting things neatly away a pair of hands with gloves on covered my eyes...

"Can you guess who?" A voice whispered. "Let me guess Y/n!" I say and turn around "yep!" She says smiling. "So my mom serves dinner by 6" she says "oh ok" I say and she smiles.

We both walk together since her house is across the street four houses down. My house being closer I say "ok ill be there at say 5?" "Yea sure!" She says and continues her walk while I watch her walk to her house.

Once she is in her house I go into my house. "Hey mom" I say "hey Kyle" she says "I'm going to a friends for dinner" I say quickly "which friend?" She questions before I step on the stairs.

"The new-ish neighbors daughter, Y/n invited me to have dinner with her" I say "y/n? I guess so but I'm only concerned since she's a girl and your..." "Mom its not like that. I'm not some sick teenager that does that stuff" I say.

"Well if you say so just remember to show manners when your there" she says "ok" I say. I head up to my room.


It was 5:30. I quickly madw my way to her house and knocked on her door. The door opened to show a woman which I guess is her mom. "Um hello who are you?" She asks "I'm Y/n's friend. I'm Kyle Broflovski I live the house across the street" I say pointing to my house.

"And y/n had invited me" I say "mom, who is it" I hear y/n ask "a boy named Kyle" her mom answered "oh yea! Mom Kyle is my dinner guest" she says with a smile "oh ok" her mother says then walks away. "Come in" y/n says and I walk in. "Nice house" I say looking around.

"Hey Y/n/n(your nick name)! Who is this?" A male asks "Joel this is Kyle, Kyle this is Joel my step-dad" she says introducing us "hello sir" I say holding my hand out. "Well hello young sir" he says shaking my hand.

"Now young lady may I talk to you over here?" "Ok Joel" she says as they go to the kitchen door. I could hear them they weren't that quiet..

"Y/n its ok to call me dad" "I know but... I don't feel like I should" she answered "why not?" "I'm not sure. Maybe sometime ill call you dad in the future" she says.

The rest I didn't hear, I was looking at photos of y/n. She was small and young holding a small puppy, another was her with a group of girls that have swimsuits on so I'm sure they were going swimming. The next one was y/n holding her mom's hand and the picture I can tell was folded... Maybe that was her real dad.

"Kyle?" I hear her says "yes" I say and look at her "I've got Mario kart up stairs if you want to play before we eat?" She asked "oh cool! Yea lets play" I say and I follow her up to her room.

Her room was the room closer to the stairs. As we entered I was amazed, I seen she likes video games. There was a stack of sketch books and I opened the book to see little sketches. There were posters of movies or bands, there were boxes that weren't opened which were collectables.

"Here we go" y/n says as it turns on. "Whoa cool" I say as I sit down next to her. She hands me a controller and we started. Most of the game she won but I did win some of them.

"Why!?" I say as a banana peel was thrown in front of me "nuu" y/n says as the blue turtle shell came for her since she was in first place. The race ended as toad was in first place..

"That was intense.." Y/n looking at the screen. "And were still alive.." I say making us both laugh. "Y/n dinner time!" Her mom yells "its time" she says and we both get up and go to her kitchen.

Once we get there the table is nicely set, Joel and her mom are there. "Come sit down" her mom say giving me a smile. "Come on Kyle" Y/n says and we both go sit down.

"I made (your favorite food) if that's ok" her mom says "its ok, I at least ate it once" I say "yea its really good ita my favorite!" Y/n says already eating it. "I can tell" I say and her face turned light red.

"So Y/n had told me, you were her very first friend here?" Joel asks "yes I am" I say starting to eat. "Who are your friends?" He asks "is this necessary?" I ask looking at him. "No I just want to know who y/n is hanging out with." He says.

"Joel just stop" y/n's mom says "well Joel, y/n hangs out with friends that are good since they are my friends and I've known them for a long time" I say. "How long have you known your friends?" Y/n asks "my whole life?" I say putting a finger to my chin.

"Whoa!" Y/N says with a tiny sparkle in her eye "y/n are you not friend with girls?" Her mom asks "there is Nicole, Wendy, uh Bebe, hmm Heidi, and others..." Y/n lists "so why don't we talk about them?" Her mom says.

"Well these girls aren't like the girls at my old school mom." Y/n says "how so?" "these girls are girly... Very girly" y/n answered. "Ok..." Her mom says and looks down. "But Kyle and his group are great friends!" Y/n say and I feel my face heat up a little.

Y/n mostly talked and sometime I would. Her mom and Joel didn't really speak... And that was fine at least y/n said. But after I finished it was time for me to go.

"That was nice. The first time I've actually spoke at the dinner table." Y/n said "yes it was and bye see you tomorrow" I say "are you sure you don't want me to walk you home?" She offered "im good, you don't need to waste your time walking me back" I say.

"Ok goodnight Kyle" she said and smiled "goodnight Y/n" I said smiling and left. She shut her door and that was all that night.

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