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~Y/n's Disappearance~

I went to school like normal. I didn't really see Y/n all weekend or this morning, maybe she is just running late? "Kyle? Kyle!" I heard Kenny yell waving a hand in my face "what?" I say "have you seen y/n?" He asks "no I haven't" I say and he just nods walking away.

The whole day. The whole dam day y/n was gone. Every class I had with her the teacher always said "y/n isn't here, probably sick" and then we went on with the lesson. I sat here just letting anxiety take over me.

~school ends~

"Hey Kyle wanna go hang out with me-" "sorry Stan but maybe another time" I say walking towards y/n's house. I step in front of the door and knock "hello?" Y/n's mom answered "is y/n home?" I ask hoping she is here "no.. She wasn't at school?" She says and I shake my head no. As she looked worried I seen her step-dad.

"Joel?" I say and he looks at me "close the door sweety. Y/n isn't home" he says and she nods closimg the door. His expression was off not really glaring at me.. Where could she be?


~The Next Day~

It was a cold rainy day. I didn't go to school I somehow convinced my mom I didn't feel to well. So here I am just laying on my bed buried in blankets to at least keep me warm. I turn on my phone and text Y/n's number.

Kyle: Y/n?

Few minutes later..

Kyle: I want to know if your alright.

But she never answered. Not yesterday. Not now. Was it something I did? But before I could think I got a text from a number...

Phone user: Moping around isn't going to find her ya know.

Kyle: who is this? If it's Stan this isnt funny...

Phone user: this isn't Stan.. I'm more of a less known person at school. But no need to know about me. You must think of y/n.

Kyle: what. Why?

Phone user: she isn't sick or at a friend's house Kyle. SheShe'ss missing.

Kyle: no no she can't be

Phone user: yea she is and if you want get go find her. But the only place she won't be located is in her parents basement.

Kyle: how do you know this?

Phone user: I have my ways. Now enough chit chat. And if you need any help just contact me anytime.

Kyle: ok..

Feeling my heart sink in my chest. I stood up "this person is weirdly specific about Y/n and the situation" I say grabbing my jacket not caring even in I'm in my Pajamas. "My hat! Where is it, Dammit" I say looking through everything "there it is!" I say as I look under my bed then grabbing it.

I run downstairs and put my boots on then open the door and toward y/n's just to make sure. I knock on the door and Joel answers this time but holding a bag. "What do you want kid?" He says glaring at me "is y/n here" I say and he takes a quick look to the left then back at me "no she isnt and shouldn't you be at school" he says closing the door and walking past me.

"Dammit!" I whisper yell. I watch as he walks in the direction he took a look towards. Nothing really is over there but the woods... I start to walk back home as I do I think why does a man need to go to the woods? But then it hit me. What if he is keeping Y/n in there?!

I quickly turned around to look at him but he was gone. "Oh my god" I say dn run towards the direction he walked in. I made it to the woods and stopped. "What if.. I don't find her... What if she's already.. No she can't!" I yell and my phone vibrates.

Phone user: she's not dead. Yet.

I look at the message with wide eyes. "Yet!?" I yell and look up. "I have to now" I say and enter the woods. I search around for Joel or at least some traces of Y/n..

Which brings us to present time now...


"Y/n!" I call and no answer "Y/n!!" I yell once more still no answer... I walked in deeper, but the more I walked the colder I got. I came upon a shoe? I pick it up and it has y/n's name on it "she's somewhere here" I say looking around.

Y/n's pov..
It was dark. It was cold. The smell of dirt and blood mixed together was everywhere. I guess I'm underground. But I have no clue where or how I got here. I felt the cold metal bars going up and down. I'm locked up?

I blindly felt around where I was. Not finding anything close to a light source. I had the smell of blood and dirt now on my hands. It was so quiet that it scares me. What if this is what its like to be dead?!

I heard a faint calling but couldn't make it out on what they were saying... Dam it. Suddenly something clicked and above opened a trapdoor. "God Dammit that boy just doesn't know when to stop" Joel's voice says. He closed the door and lights came on. "Your awake" Joel says.

I take a quick look around me. Once I took a look behind me made me wish I didn't.. "Oh my lord-" I say covering my mouth. A girl.. Her body parts chopped.. I look to Joel as he was doing something. "I see you found an old friend" he says "w-what?" I stutter in complete shock. "She was a young girl here in South Park, very pretty. So was her mom" Joel says. And I look back up.

The only thing separating us was the metal bars...

Turns out my mom is going to marry a murder.. "You killed her.." I say and he slowly nods "why are you jealous? Wishing that was you. Aren't you" he says and I shake my head no.

"Well don't worry you get your turn tomorrow, I just came for a few things. Or if I feel like it I might come back" he says. He got everything he needed and left. Not turning the lights off. I heard a click as I guess he locked the trap door.

~an hour later~

"I guess he's not coming back.." I say and grab one of the metal poles. "Ok I got this" I say and push the pole to make it move. Come on! Suddenly once I got it to move I fell with the pole. "Woo hoo! Now time to try and exit.." I say and dig around on Joel's desk.

Then I heard the calling of my name from a boy I know and like.


Missing - Kyle Broflovski x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now