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Y/n's pov.
I get to the trap door. I could hear him more clear now. He's near me! "Y/n!" He yells again and I bang on the trap door "Kyle!!" I yell and I'm sure he stopped for a moment. "Y/n?.." I hear. I keep hitting my fists on the door making them feel like they're bleeding "Kyle Help!!" I yell and I hear running and twigs snapping.

"Y/n?!" I hear him yell. I heard something drop to the ground "Kyle!" I yell "I'm here Y/n!" He says and I feel hope in my heart. "Kyle please help me out!" "I will but I can't there is a lock and I have nothing to unlock it with" he says. I grab the bobby pin from the floor. And guessing it was probably from a girl.

I still it through the small slit on the side "will this work?" I say and he takes it "maybe.." He says and I hear him trying to unlock it. I search around some more to find anything else we could use, there was a hole in the ground under Joel's desk. I reached in "god I hope I don't lose my hand.." I say "what? Your gonna lose your hand?!" Kyle says. "No now hush and keep working on that lock!" I say and touch something.

I felt it and it was a box. I grab it pulling it out slowly, once I got it Kyle said that he might have it almost unlocked. "My Secrets.." I read what was carved into the box cover. I open it and seen papers. I pick up the papers and look at each one. "Becky Robertson, Missing.. Emmy Tombstone, Missing.. Olive Nelly, Missing" I read out.

"What a sick man" I say and look back into the box. It had jewlery.. And a few more bobby pins. "No no!" I hear Kyle yell "what!?" I yell "the bobby pin broke!" "What!" I yell in surprise.

Kyle's pov.
What am I going to do?! What. Am. I. Going. To. Do. "Hey Y/n?!" I say "yea?" "Ill be back ill go get some things that might unlock this!" I yell and get up "please hurry!" She yells "don't come back tomorrow come back today!! If you don't ill be dead tomorrow!" She yells "don't worry Y/n. I'll be right back" I say and run to my house real fast.


Crap! My mom is back she's probably freaking out on why I'm not home! I think as I run to the door and open it fast. "Kyle!" My mom yells "oh hey mom! Uh I was out on a walk!" I say and I run to the kitchen. I dig in the tool drawer "screwdriver!" I yell and run to the bathroom "Kyle? Kyle!" My mom yells.

"What?!" I yell as I grab more bobby pins. "What on earth are you doing?!" She says standing in front of the doorway. "I'm saving someone!" I say "your imagination has gone crazy because of your fever" my mom says looking at me. I was tired, and felt like passing out.

"I'm not sick that was a lie" I say and she looks at me "you look sick. Go back to your room and lay down" she says "but I-" "now." She says and I nod going to my room. "Don't even think about sneeking out!" She yells. "Dammit no!!" I yell kicking the pile of clothes on my floor.

I look out my window to see Joel leaving his house towards the direction Y/n is. "No no no!!" I yell and grab the bat I barely use. I put the screwdriver and pins in my pocket and ran downstairs. I opened the door "Kyle! To your room" my mom yells "sorry mom.. Not now" I say and start running towards the woods. "Kyle!" I heard my mom yell but I kept running.

~Time Skipper roo~

I seen Joel opening the door. "Joel!" I yell and he looks at me "leave her alone!" I yell and he just smirks. "And why should I listen you?" He says "just leave her alone" I say "haha no. You think you can beat me?" He says "well I take the chance really I mean ive done crazier shit before" I say.

Missing - Kyle Broflovski x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now