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This day was a Thursday.
I looked at my ceiling because I woke up before my alarm started to ring. I sat up as my alarm started going crazy.

*beep* *beep* *beep!*

I sighed shutting my alarm off and stood up to stretch. I grabbed my clothes then walked to the bathroom to do what always did. Ike knocked on the door as I put my hat on "come in" I say as Ike entered "morning Ike" I say "morning Kyle" he says and grabbed his tooth brush.

"Ok ike ill be leaving" I say an exited the bathroom and grabbed my bag and walked out the door. I walked to the bus stop and like the usual Stan, Kenny, and Cartman was there.

But "hey Kyle" I heard next to me "oh hey y/n" I say as we walked next to the guys. "Was the rest of your day good?" She asks "yea and yours?" "It was ok" she said "was it not good?" I ask looking at her "I was alone at home so it was fine" she says looking at me.

"At least today can be different" I say as the bus pulls up "guys wait!" Cartman yells but we already get on the bus. "God dang it" Cartman says as he's on the bus. "Oh you made it" I say and sit down. Y/n came and sat next to me..


"Hey Kyle~" Bebe says holding onto my arm while I walk to science "hey Bebe" I say blankly as I enter "your not doing anything today right?" She asks "actually no but I'm just going to stay home" I say and she pouts "I know so sad, now get off my arm and act like the soon adult your going to be" I say pushing her off my arm.

I hear her go cry to Wendy as I sit down in my usual spot. I leaned on my hand as I waited for the bell. Y/n came in but this time she had a box. "Hello Y/n what this?" The teacher asked "well sir, since I'm the new student and its my second day I decided to bring cookies my mom help me make" she relied.

"Well isn't that wonderful. Everyone y/n brought us all cookies" he announced. I didn't like him maybe cause he was a teacher. Y/n came around giving each of us one cookie and I was the last to get one. "Here you go Kyle" she said giving me a smile "thank you" I say giving a smile as I took the cookie.

After I had finish I look to see everyone swarm her begging for another. "Come on we can be best friends!" "No hes lying ill be there for you forever!" As people started saying things she just kept rejecting. "Sorry guys but these are for my other classes" she says putting the box on her lap.

"Come on" someone said "guys she obviously doesn't want to give you anymore so just leave her alone" I say puyting one hand on her shoulder. "Oh I see your Boyfriend is here to save the day" "hes not my b-boyfriend!" Y/n yelled as her face turns bright red.

"Ok that's enough" I said "oh what are you gonna do hit me?" "No but thinking about it I might." I say "your not going to hit me. I'm more popular than you are. And I will get anoth-" he was cute off when I hit him in the face with a text book.

He then started crying as his friends went near him. "Good thing the teacher isnt here" Y/n says putting a hand to my shoulder. "Yea but even if we do we get sent to the counselor but it hardly does anything" I say watching him cry after he was all tough.

"Your alright right?" I ask being sure "I'm perfectly fine" she says "good" I say the teacher walks in "what the? How?" He says "i-I was h-" "listen I thought you were tough" the teacher says.

Mostly I don't know f anything else happened since I left the room. But Y/n followed me. "Kyle why did you leave?" She asks "well the bell is going to ring in a minute anyway" I say just as the bell rang. "Oh um ok..." She says and walks away.

"Did you really hit a guy with a text book!?" Stan asks making me jump "yes I-I did..." I say "that's awesome!" Kenny says "it is?" "What did they do?" Stan asked. "They kept bothering Y/n no matter how many times she told him no, so I guess something snapped as he said your not going to hit me" I explain.

"Does Kyle have a crush on Y/n?~" Kenny started to say "of course not!" I say "oh! Look at his face!" Stan says pointing at me "Stop!! Why would I have a crush on her now!?" I ask them "maybe cause she smokin' hot!" Kenny says putting on sunglasses.

"Kenny! Don't talk about her like that!" I yell "so he does like her!!" Kenny yells taking the sun glasses off "who like who?" Y/n asks "oh no Kenny likes dudes" Stan says "what the hell!?" Kenny yells as his face turns a light pink.

"Whoa..." Y/n says as we watch Kenny tackle Stan to the ground. "Is that what you guys were talking about?" She asked "well... No... Its a secret at least to me" I say figeting with my fingers. "Oh ok if its personal ill leave it be then" she says dropping the topic.

We look back to see Stan on the ground and Kenny standing there wearing his hat with those sunglasses. "Dude you suck" Stan says sitting up. "You called me gay" "I said you liked guys" Stan says "that's means I'm gay" Kenny says "so your gay?" Stan asks "no." Kenny says as he throws his hat back at Stan's face.

"I guess the lesson here is don't call Kenny gay even if he is" Stan says "and maybe you should get off the ground that hundreds of people walk on" Y/n says holding a hand out to help him up.

"Yep" Stan says standing up. "Hey its lunch time!!" Kenny yells running down the hall that was at least half empty. "Oh so it is" Y/n says and we all walk to the lunch room.


As we all sat to eat a certain someone decided to come over... "Hey Kyle!" Bebe says leaning on our table "um.. Hey?" I say "hey y/n" she says winking at her as she just waves "so are you still not going to join cheerleading" Bebe says. "Like I've said im not going to join, I don't want to be a plastic" y/n says.

"W-what's a plastic?" Bebe asks as Y/n sighs "its a person or usually a girl who is very popular, pretty, and thinks every hot guy or girl belongs to her or him" y/n explains "I am not that!" Bebe says "are you sure?" Y/n says finishing her lunch.

She stood up and went to dump her lunch. "What is wrong with her!?" Bebe asks and walks away. But for the rest of the day it was like yesterday, yet so different.

As school ended I just went home. "Hey mom. Hey Ike" I say with a smile "hey Kyle!" Ike says and hugs me "oh kyle! Dinner will be soon" mom said "ok mom" I said and went upstairs. I was surprised mom didn't get a call from the school. I still wonder if she ever did...

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