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I walked up to school like normal except once I got inside people were staring at me. Why? Because of Stan and Kenny with those girls who can draw.

"Its Y/n's boyfriend!" Someone whispered but I could hear them "look here comes y/n!!" Someone yelled "uh hello?" Y/n says confused "I regret coming here" I say "I do to" she says and we both just go to class.


"So what your saying is you never had a sleep over!?" I heard Wendy yell "sh! No I never did" y/n says "why not?" Wendy asks "I don't like to leave my house I guess" y/n replied. To be honest I was shocked she never had a sleep over to.

"Were having a sleep over this weekend!" Wendy said "ok Saturday?" Y/n says "ok!" Wendy replied and I continued to read my book even though I could have played on my phone.

"Whatcha readin?" A voice asks "Wonder" I say as I'm reading "what's it about?" They ask "a boy who is different and he goes to school for the first time and people dont like him at first but soon they do" I say "is it sad?" I look up to meet e/c eyes staring at me.

"Very" I say and she frowns "have you cried?" She asks "mostly but not a lot" I say "isnt your desk over there?" I say with a slight smile "yea but id rather be over here" she says and I feel my face heat up a little.

"Oh and about Friday you should dress nice" I say "oh right! I have a-" I stopped her "let it be a surprise" I say and she nods. Oh god what am I saying? I don't usually talk like this...

Ok time skip..

As I was walking I heard someone yelling... "What the hell!? You'll draw Kyle and that other girl but not me and him!?" I knew exactly who this was. I turned the corner to see those girls with Bebe.

"Bebe what on earth are you doing!?" I yell making her jump "oh hey Kyle!" She says with a smile "that doesn't answer me does it?" I say "I was just talking to them" she says with a smug look. "Yelling at them isn't talking stop trying to make them draw picture for you. If the don't want to they don't want to" I say and she just stares then walks away.

I felt a tap and turn to the girls as I was handed a paper. "Oh jeez" I say as I see its me and y/n. "Thanks? I'm going to go" I say pointing to my class and walk away. Ok this is getting weirder I think as I stare at the picture.

Yes their great at drawing. But! This is to much for my innocent mind to handle. "Kyle!" Suddenly Stan was infeont of me "yes?" "This is important for you!" He says "what" I say with a blank expression. "This is going to hurt you" he adds. "Just tell me" I say.

"Someone else likes y/n"

I felt a bit of anger but I can't get mad at someone I don't know. "Who..." I say looking I to his eyes "I thought it might be Clyde but I'm not sure" Stan says. "It probably is Clyde that lady stealer" I say.

"Are you ok Kyle?" "I'm fine its just Clyde and y/n is different so she might just reject him" I say trying to make myself feel ok. "But... What is it isn't Clyde..." Stan says.

"Then I don't know now do I" I say and lean back in my chair "your stressing him out!!" Kenny's muffled voice yelled.


The bell rang and we all went to lunch like normal eel I guess not... "Y/n come sit with us today!" Wendy yells "actually I-" she was cut off since Wendy dragged her away.

"Dude wake up!" Stan yells "are you ok!?" He asks "yes I'm fine just day dreaming!" I say and smile "you better" he says and we go sit down. I watch Craig's table as Clyde starts to cry... Again...

Doesn't really look like he likes her. Maybe its the wrong boy maybe someone different someone who doesn't show much emotion... Craig? No..

Craig has Tweek... Tweek and Craig are happy right. I think this as I finished lunch and went to dump my tray. As I passed their table what caught me off guard was to see them all take a stare at y/n.

Oh no...

"Kyle your holding up the line!!" Wendy yells "oh sorry" I say and walk back "Eric!" Heidi says in a sweet tone "what do you want" Cartman says "just wondering if were still up for that date?" She says "yes we are" he says "oh ok bye babe!" She says with a sparkle in her eyes "bye babe" Cartman says with a dull look.

(I know Eric and Heidi are broken up but I thought in this story I could do this before Heidi become Heidi 2.0)

I still don't think it such a good idea for them to be together Heidi could realise someday but since she doesn't want to listen I guess its not my problem.

"I heard someone say your pansexual Kenny! what's that?" Stan asks "uh.. I like everyone!" Kenny says "oh" Stan says "nice to know I guess?" Stan says "wait so if its pansexual you like everyone so even if their older??" I ask "yea.." Kenny says "dude... What" Stan says.

"Good for you?" I say. And they start talking about random stuff just like usually. And after a few minutes of daydreaming a snap was heard "Kyle? Seriously are you actually ok?" Kenny calls as Stan stands next to him.

"Y-yes I dunno maybe. I'm nervous I guess" I say rubbing the back of my neck "What is there to be nervous about?" Y/n says making me jump "many things" I say and look at her. Her eyes always seem to sparkle but I guess sitting at a table full of plastics ruined it...

"You ok?" I ask and she looks at my eyes "yes I'm fine never better!" She says faking the excitement "ok" I say and we leave the lunchroom. While we walked down the hall all I could hear was y/n mumble to herself like she had a small conversation before we went to class. I hoped she is actually ok.


While listening to the teacher teach I was humming quietly to myself and no one stopped me or told me to hush so I was fine. Humming the song Perfect reminding me of y/n. But there is always something to bother it...

"Ok Kenny what's Eight take away four?" The teacher asked since it was part off the problem we were working on "eight" he says obviously messing with them. "No that's not right Kenny your in 8th grade" she says "its eight" Kenny says proudly.

"You take away the four and your left with eight" Kenny keeps backing up his information... "No what's the actual answer stop messing with me!" The teacher says and that's when Kenny snapped...

"Fuck this school, fuck this parka, fuck my gorgeousness, fuck you and me the answer is fucking EiGhT!" He yells "no its not principle office now!" She yells pointing at the door. "ITS EIGHT!!" Kenny yells standing up then walks out.

"The answer is four" I say and the bell rings and the day is finally over. "Jeez Kenny didn't need to pick a fight" Stan says "eh that's Kenny fighting for his rights" I say opening my locker combination.

"So dude. What you going to do about Friday?" He asks "try to survive" I say "well do you want tips?" Stan asks "just because You have a girlfriend that's like that doesn't mean y/n acts like her" I say taking my bag out. "I know but.." "She's different" I say

A very special different.

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