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Y/N told me she has complications with her step dad, Joel.

She told me that he wants her to call him dad. Joel doesn't like me and I can pretty much tell with the constant glares and rude comments. He only does this when I'm near y/n.

Turns out her step dad didn't act like this until he met me. "Its ok Kyle its not like it has something to do with you!" She says putting a hand on my shoulder. I look back to see her smile.

"Yes it does" I say and her smile fades a little. "Kyle there is no reason Joel will start acting like this unless he's some secret creep acting nice." Y/n says.

Before I could say anything there was a knock at the Door. Me and Y/n were in my living room finishing homework well we already finished it.

"Ill get it" I say and answer the door. "Stan? What are you doing here?" I say looking at him "nothing just came by. Kenny come down" Stan says and Kenny falls off my roof. "What and why?" I say as Kenny stands up.

"We mostly watch you two or I mostly watch you two" Kenny says putting a gand to his chest being proud "you guys are freaks!" I whisper yell "yes ive been told in bed" Kenny says walking past me into my house "come on in!" I say sarcastically and Stan walks in to.

"Hey Kenny! Hi Stan!" Y/n says with a smile. "Hey Y/n!" They both say at the same time. "Why are you guys here?" She asks "we came to show you guys art the Girls drew and gave to us to give to you and Kyle!" Kenny says pulling out at least 6 or 5 papers.

"Those girls that barely speak English?" Y/n asks "yep!" Stan says. Oh no is it what I think they are!? "Here you can look at them first y/n!" Kenny says giving them to her.

"Oh. Wow. Uh this is...." She says looking at the pictures with a light pink blush. "I-I have no words maybe Kyle can say them" y/n says and suddenly I'm looking at pictures of me and y/n being a couple...

"Oh no this is a ship already!?" I yell "yes and its beautiful" Stan says as Kenny whipes away a fake tear. "You guys even have a ship name, (ship name)" Kenny says "dear god" y/n says.

"I-I need to go..." Y/n says and leaves before I could say anything. "Why do girls do this to us" I say. "Well we were the ones who recommended it" Kenny says "dude!" Stan yells and elbowed Kenny in his rib "why?" I ask.

"Cause it must be real" Kenny said then groaning in pain. "Stan I know your my super best friend and right now Seeing y/n be confused isn't ok" I say. "But what if she likes you" he says "but what if she doesn't!?!?" I yell.

"Kyle shh" Ike says "I'm trying to play MiNeCrAfT!!!" Ike yells "sorry Ike..." I say and he goes upstairs "he still plays that game?" Stan says looking upstairs "yea just as much as he like tv" I say.

"Ok Kyle. Maybe Y/n doesn't like you" Stan says stopping "why would you say that?!" I say looking at him "you didn't let me finish! What if... Y/n Loves you" Stan says. "Really?" I say "yes what if" he said making my cheeks heat up.

"Dude your blushing so hard right now you look like a tomato" Stan says "almost the color of his hair!!!" Kenny yells "shut up!!" I yell "hey! How long has you liked her" Kenny says looking at me "I thought I told you. A few days after we met" I said.

"I'm going now" I say walking to the door "why?" They both say "I'm going to apologize for your actions towards her" I say glaring at them. "Hey its us and if she can't except it the you can su-" Kenny was cut off by Stan putting his hand over his mouth.

"Yes Kyle are actions are terrible you should apologize" Stan says sending a shiver to my spine "oh and Kyle." He says what is he doing. "Yes?" I say with my hand on the door knob "I dare you to tell y/n your feelings towards her" Stan says with an evil look along with Kenny.

"That's not how it works... Why are you..." I stop "Kyle its a dare you have to do it" Kenny says "I can't I Don't want to ruin the friendship we have now" I say looking at them. As they look at me I stand there.

"Ruin it" is all Kenny says.

"Ruin it by making her your Girlfriend" Stan finishes. "Dude no. She's had enough today" I say "fine but if you don't do it you have to do what ever me or Kenny says for tomorrow" he says.

"You suck" I say and leave them in my house. Walking on the sidewalk I think if o should or not. I want to ruin our friendship and make her my girlfriend but I don't want to just yet since she's still getting used to us.


*knock* *knock*

I knocked on her door as Joel answers "oh. Its you" he says "yes it's me. Is y/n home?" I say "no." He says making my heart sink "Joel! Leave the poor boy alone!" Her mom yells "she's up in her room Kyle" Her mom says and moves Joel so I can go up to see her.

I get closer to hear a beat of music playing along with voice but doesn't sound like y/n's. I stand face to face with her door as I listen to the music.

I give the door two knocks to say I did knock on the door and I slowly open the door. I see her sitting on the ground with a microphone in her hande facing her tv that had words on it. I listen as she starts to sing.

"I cant help it if I make a scene. Stepping out of my hot pink limousine. I'm turning heads and I'm stopping traffic. When I pose the scream and when I joke they laugh. I've got a pair of eyes that's their getting lost in. Their hypnotized by the way I'm walking."

"I've got them dazzled like a stage magician. When I point they look and when I talk they listen well..."

"Everybody needs a friend. And I got you and you and you so many I can't even name them can you blame me I'm too famous!"

"Haven't you noticed that I'm a star. Im coming into view as the world is turning. Haven't you noticed ive made it this far. Now everyone can see me burning.
Now everyone can see me burning.
Now everyone can see me burning."

She stopped singing and noticed me in the tv screen "oh my god" she turned around "how long were you there?!" She asks "the whole song" I say and her face turns red "ah! You heard me sing! This is embarrassing!!" She freaks out.

"I thought it was amazing!" I say and put my hand on her shoulders "your lying. Why are you here anyway" she says as her face is still red. "I came here to apologize for Stan and Kennys behavior" I say taking my hand off of her shoulders.

"Why aren't they here to say sorry?" "Cause they won't do it themselves" I say. "Oh ok.. So is that all?" She says and I remember what Stan and Kenny told me to do.

"N-no uh Y/n.... W-will.... Would you like to go have dinner with me someday!" I manage to say "sure! I mean yes ill go!" She says "ok how about Friday?" I say "yea I'm free Friday" she says. "Ok then bye!" I say "bye!" She says.

I close her bedroom door and freak out suddenly. "Oh my god its really happening" I say and leave her house to see Stan and Kenny standing outside.

"Did you do it" Stan says "no I ask her out to have dinner, not with our families this time" I say does that count?" Kenny says and they both start talking to each other "ok you win but if she asks of its a date you have to say yes" Stan says.

"Ok." I say "Kyle is growing up!" Stan yells "awe!" Kenny says "you guys are weird" I say and go home. And as I am home I rethink the day I had. The embarrassing day I had.

But it was a great day at the same time...

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