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A very special different

(Were going to time skip to Friday already ._.)

Its Friday. And I knew what this meant. Friend date. Or it might be date and change things.

"Kyle would you At least tell me why you won't be at dinner?" My mom asks "I'm taking a very special someone out to eat I've been saving more money than I usually do and now is perfect" I say tying my bowtie.

"If your dressed like this you must've saved a lot of money Kyle" Ike says peeking in "well I promised to not spend my allowance" I say looking at him "I think you should go without the hat" Ike says "really? With this Red mess of hair?" I say looking at him.

"You never know she might like it" ike says "but..." I say taking off my hat to reveal my hair mess "ill help!" Ike says "last time I let you help it went bad" I sat looking at him "trust me just do this" he says touching my hair.

"And done" he says and shows me a reveal "what the.. Ike? How did you get so good at this?" I ask looking at him "magic" he says "its great" I say "glad you love it and hopefully she likes it to" he says and walks out.

"Ok.." I say

*bzz* *bzz*

I reached over for my phone to ad I got a text from Y/n saying...

Y/n: Ready, just going to wait now.

Me: I'm almost done be there soon.

Y/n: ok!

Setting my phone down I continued to see if I could try to make anything look better on me. After a few things I just stopped and told my mom I was ready. My mom did agree to drive us there.

The drive to her house was obviously short. I knocked. Waiting for someone to answer hoping it's y/n and once the door opened my guess was right. "Kyle!" She says with joy "hey Y/n" I say with a smile. I looked at what she was wearing which stopped me.

She had a f/c(fav color) dress on with a black bow on the waist. "How do I look? Is it the surprise you hoped?" She says making me blush "you look Amazing. And it indeed is the best surprise" I say and hold out a hand waiting for her to take.

As she takes my hand her mom said "goodbye have fun!" While Joel just stood there. As I lead her to my mom's car I opened the door for her after she got in I got to the other side and let myself in. She waved bye to her mom as we deove off.

As we were driving my mom asked a few questions like "so Y/n how's your mom?" And y/n would answer "my mom is doing well" and I sat there listening to them talk and then my mom just had to ask "so what is a lucky and pretty girl doing with a handsome son like mine?"

"Oh um... I..." Y/n trails off with a light red face "I guess its luck?" Y/n manages to say "M-mom were here" I say pointing to the building "ok" she says and drives up. "Be good no funny business!" She says as we get out "ok mom" I say and she leaves.

"So this is it?" She asks and I nod "ready? Or do you need a minute?" I say holding out my hand "I'm ready" she says and she takes my hand. As we walk in she gives a quiet gasp "its nice really nice" she says "reservation?" The guys asks.

"Yes for Mr. Broflovski" I say and he nods "yes you do have one right this way" he says and we follow. Hoping not to be near the bathrooms he stops and shows us a table that is perfect. "Ill be back with menus" he says and leaves.

Being respectful I pulled out a chair for her to sit in and she did. Pushed her chair in then I went to sit down as I did I heard I few women say "why cant you be like that gentleman?" And the guys response "cause you said you were an independent women."

"Here you go" the guy said handing me and y/n a menu "thanks" she says and I nod. "Kyle?" She says and I look at her "yes?" I say tilting my head "why would you do this? For me? There are other prettier girls at school/world" she says and that was when I use words I guess were from the heart. "Because you are different y/n. You have natural beauty and your so classic. You don't cover your beauty to make you look like something your not like Wendy or Bebe." I say and her cheeks start to blush.


We had ordered our food y/n got (your favorite food) and I got something random since I was nervous. Suddenly my phone buzzed after a free minutes when are food arrived. I checked to see a text from Stan?... "Is it ok if I answer this text?" I ask and she nods continuing to eat.

Stan: why arent you eating?

Me: what?...

Stan: look to your right

Me: you guys are stalkers...

I seen Stan and Kenny here... Kenny was dressed as a girl I'm not really sure why I guess its so they look natural like their on a date... "Oh dear" I whisper and start to eat. "So Y/n have you been drawing anything new?" I ask "I have been sketching some anime I had watched but mostly no" she says.

Almost done with the food and midway through out conversation my phone buzzed and I check to see Stan say.

Stan: now do it now!!

I gulp and look at y/n her face so beautiful just sitting there. "H-hey y/n?" I say and she looks up "yes?" She says "um I-I..." I trail off looking at Stan and Kenny both eyes right on me.

"I am wondering I-if you found any interest in any of the guys at our school!" I say a bit fast and she looks at me with a blank expression. "I-I did he's really sweet and kind to me..." She says "sounds good.. Who?" I say and she thinks for a few minutes.

"Um.. I don't want to say really" she says looking down "Its ok I'm not pressuring you" I say. Dam it this was my chance why do I always need to chicken out?

Time skip since Kyle couldn't confess ;-;

I walked y/n up to her door even though she said I didn't need to "well goodbye" she says "bye" I say and she walks in her house but before she shut the door I seen Joel standing there... Like he was waiting...

As soon as the door shut my gut was telling me to go in there... But I didn't...

Maybe if I did y/n wouldn't be missing...

Missing - Kyle Broflovski x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now