Chapter 22

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            "B-but you're dead," Bumblebee gasped.

            "I'm not," Stone said. "You were dead too, Bumblebee. Mommy risked her life to save you."

            "Mommy's dead?" Bumblebee whimpered.

            Stone nodded. "I'm here to take care of you kits now. Come out."

            He gasped as he saw his other two beautiful kits come out. Hazelnut padded forward as Honey padded behind.

            "You must be Hazelnut," he said, pointing to the dark ginger kit.

            "How'd you know?" Hazelnut gasped.

            Stone laughed. "I just do."

            He looked at his daughter who looked so much like Lily. "And you must be Honey," he said.

            Honey laughed. "Yes, I'm Honey. Did you see Daisy's kits?! They're beautiful!"

            "Come here," Stone said, calling his kits forward. The kits ran to their father and let the tears out.

            "I can't believe Mommy's gone," Hazelnut whispered.

            "I know. Me too," Stone said. "It's alright kits. I'm here to take care of you now."

            Honey sniffled and nudged Stone's pelt. "You look so much like your mother," Stone said to Honey.

            "Everyone says that," Honey replied.

            "Why don't you kits go get some sleep?" Stone suggested. "You've had a very tough day."

            The fox kits padded into their burrow to sleep. Stone padded into Daisy's burrow to see her kits. She was also blessed with four kits.

            "How are you?" Stone asked.

            "It's good to see you again, Stone. I'm well," Daisy replied.

            "I'm sorry about Arrow," Stone said.

            "I'm sorry about Lily," Daisy replied.

            Stone laughed. "I guess we've both lost someone close to us. Arrow risked his life for me, you know."

            "I'm glad he did. Arrow was always so kind."

            "He would be very proud of his kits," Stone said. "What are their names?"

            Daisy smiled. "Well three of them are female and one is male." She pointed to the largest fox kit. "This is Sunshine. She was the first born and the biggest."

            "Sunshine. That's a pretty name," Stone said.

            "I named her in memory of Heat."

            Stone nodded. Daisy pointed to the next kit. It was a medium sized male kit. "This is...Arrow."

            Stone smiled, holding back tears as well. "He looks just like his father."

            "I know," Daisy smiled. She pointed to a female kit who was about the same size as Arrow. "This is Pebble. I named her in memory of you actually. But now you're here, so it's a useless name now."

            "It's still a pretty name," Stone said. "She may not know why she was given that name, but at least she'll use it."

            Daisy nodded. She pointed to the smallest kit. "This is Meadow. She isn't named after anything. Just Meadow. She's the smallest, but certainly the most beautiful."

            Stone nodded. "Well, soon they'll be ready to play with my kits."

            Daisy laughed. "Yes. Maybe they can meet tomorrow."

            Stone nodded, padding out of the den. "Good-bye," he called. He left the red fox to watch over her newborn kits.

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