Chapter 36

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            Awhile had passed. Morningpelt's kits were already apprentices. It had felt like forever ago when they had been born. None of Ivygaze's other kits had kits except Stonecloud. Stonecloud had turned out to be an excellent father. His kits adored him.
            Spottedmask had retired. Sandpaw's full medicine cat name had become Sandheart. She had taken on an older cat, Spiritheart, as her apprentice. Spiritheart was much older than Sandheart, but he wanted to end his warrior duties and become a medicine cat. It was his dream.
            Stoneclaw sat next to Ivygaze in camp. The two were sharing a freshly caught squirrel. Stoneclaw smiled. Ivygaze smiled as well. The two had been more close than ever these days. Ivygaze didn't have kits to watch over, so they had been doing more activities together.
            Cottonnose padded up to the two. Ivygaze let out a nod. Stoneclaw sat, confused. They were obviously talking in their heads.
            "Let's go hunting," Cottonnose said. "Do you mind if Snowtail comes along?"
            "No, it's fine," Stoneclaw said.
            It was the end of new-leaf. Green-leaf was upon them once again. At this time the previous year, Stoneclaw would've just returned home to SnowClan.
            The four padded into the woods. Stoneclaw stopped, seeing a rabbit. He went to jump when Cottonnose scared it off.
            "Thanks, Cottonnose!" Stoneclaw groaned.
            Cottonnose laughed. "We aren't here to hunt."
            "But we're  hunting," Snowtail said. Obviously, she was as confused as Stoneclaw.
            "We're going to the meadow to talk," said Cottonnose. Ivygaze nodded.
            Shrugging at Snowtail, the four padded to the meadow to have a discussion. Stoneclaw smiled, feeling the dry grass on his paws. He loved being in the meadow. It always brought happiness to him for some reason.
            They sat in the tall grass. "This grass is wet!" Snowtail complained.
            Cottonnose rolled his eyes. "Take my seat. It's dry."
            Snowtail nodded, exchanging seats with her mate.
            "Why are we all here, then?" Stoneclaw asked.
            "We have some important news," Cottonnose said.
            "We?" Stoneclaw asked. "As in, you and Snowtail?"
            Cottonnose shook his head. "No, we as in, Ivygaze and I."
            "What is it?" Stoneclaw growled. What was the big news? Were they retiring and becoming elders? Were they running off as kittypets? The possibilities were endless!
            "Ivygaze is expecting your kits, Stoneclaw," Cottonnose said.
            Stoneclaw's mouth formed a perfect O.
            "Congratulations!" Snowtail said.
            Stoneclaw couldn't believe it. Was it true? "No," Stoneclaw said. "You're playing pranks on me. You're lying."
            Ivygaze shook her head.
            "You really are expecting kits?" Stoneclaw asked.
            Ivygaze nodded.
            "That's great!" Stoneclaw gasped. He nuzzled his mate. "But wait, you said you would never have kits again."
            Ivygaze's whiskers twitched in amusement and she shrugged.
            "Do her kits know yet?" Stoneclaw asked Cottonnose.
            Cottonnose shook his head. "No one knows yet. Only us four. Now, why don't we go back and tell the clan!"
            Snowtail nodded. As they padded back, Snowtail went into a long talk with Ivygaze.
            "Wow, a second litter? You're a much older cat too. They'll have to be extra careful with you. I wonder how many you'll have! Maybe you'll have all she-cats this time! Oh, but what if you just have toms? Who knows?!"
            Cottonnose laughed as did Stoneclaw. They arrived back into camp in no time, padding towards Cloudstar's den.
            "What is it?" Cloudstar asked.
            "Ivygaze is expecting kits!" Stoneclaw gasped.
            "That's great!" Cloudstar said. His mate, Dovewing, who was also an older cat, had given birth shortly after Morningpelt. He had all toms, and his kits were also apprentices. "I'll tell the clan," he said, padding out of his den.
            The cats gathered, confused on what he was announcing. There were no warrior or apprentice ceremonies for moons.
            "I have some very exciting news," he began. "Ivygaze is expecting another litter of kits!"
            The clan cheered for Ivygaze. Ivygaze looked down, embarassed from all the attention. As the cats went off to perform duties, Ivygaze's three kits ran to her.
            "You're having more kits?!" Runninglegs gasped. "They better not replace us!"
            Ivygaze shook her head, laughing.
            "Congratulations, Mother," Softheart purred.
            Stonecloud dipped his head and nodded. "I wish you good luck. You too, Stoneclaw. This is your first time being a father, correct?"
            "Yes," Stoneclaw lied. He couldn't tell Stonecloud he had been a father before and failed. He still had nightmares about it.
            Stoneclaw licked Ivygaze's cheek and smiled.

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