Chapter 34

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            Many things had happened during leaf-bare. Cloudstar had received his nine lives and had taken over SnowClan. He had appointed Thornfrost as his deputy.

            As for Mousestripe, her kits had been doing well. Shinykit was just as lovely as any other kit. The curse had left Graykit and Stormkit, but a small part of Moonstar still lived within them, so at times they would lash out without any warning. Mousestripe took extra special care of them.

            It had turned out that the night Mousestripe was given the nightmare, she had gone after Thornfrost in the forest. Mousestripe admitted she did love Thornfrost, so the two had become secret mates. The kits were Reedtail's, not Thornfrost's. Reedtail had never known the two were secret mates. Mousestripe still loved the brown tabby tom though. At times, she called for Reedtail, even though she knew he wasn't there. Thornfrost was there to comfort his mate, Mousestripe.

            As leaf-bare began to come to an end, the cats rejoiced. It had been a horrible leaf-bare, one that had left many scarred. Cindertail's mate, Yarrowwhisker, had been lost to green cough. Her two toms were heartbroken at their father's death. Plus, Foxflame's kit, Littlepelt, had also died of greencough. Foxflame and his mate, Petalstream, had lost two kits during leaf-bare. Reedtail was their son.

            Soon, only patches of snow remained. Birds began to chirp. Squirrels and mice entered out of their dens.

            Stoneclaw stood next to Ivygaze for an important day. Ivygaze smiled as her kits stood on the tall rock. Dawnfire's kits stood as well. They were to be made warriors.

            "I call upon my warrior ancestors to look upon these apprentices," Cloudstar began. "They have trained hard to follow your noble code, and I grant them to you as warriors in return. Softpaw, you have a soft heart and show much kindness. From this day forward, you shall be known as Softheart!"

            The calico she-cat smiled from the rock, looking towards her mother. Cloudstar turned to the other apprentices. "Runningpaw, you are a fast cat with sharp abilities. From this day forward, you shall be known as Runninglegs!" The gray tabby tom smiled at his new warrior name.

            Cloudstar looked at Stonepaw. "Stonepaw, you are a kind and generous cat. You have been loyal to SnowClan and will always be. From this day forward, you shall be known as Stonecloud!"

            Stoneclaw gasped at the name. He thought of Stonecloud, Icestar's mother, who had shown him StarClan and everything in it.

            Soon, Cloudstar had named Dawnfire's kits too, and the clan began to shout in cheers. "SOFTHEART! RUNNINGLEGS! STONECLOUD! SPLASHLEAP! SPARROWWING! MORNINGPELT!"

            As the cats left, the three ran talked to Dawnfire's kits, exchanging words and smiles. Soon, Ivygaze's kits padded to their mother.

            "Wasn't I great, Mother?" Softheart asked.

            Ivygaze nodded.

            Cottonnose smiled. "She's very proud of all of you, and I'm sure Ashclaw would be too."

            Ivygaze let out a nod and licked Softheart's pelt.

            "I'm not a kit anymore!" Softheart laughed.

            Runninglegs let out a laugh. "Sure you are."

            "Oh, stop it," Softheart said, lightly pawing at her brother.

            "Well, Sparrowwing asked me to be his mate," Softheart proclaimed. "And I said yes!"

            "Congratulations," Stoneclaw said.

            "Well I asked Splashleap to be my mate. She couldn't refuse!" Runninglegs bragged.

            Softheart laughed, running off with her brother.

            Stonecloud came forward. Ivygaze licked his ear and Stonecloud smiled.

            "Great job," Stoneclaw said.

            "Thanks, Stoneclaw. You've always been my role model," Stonecloud said.

            Stoneclaw smiled. "That's great. How are things with you and Morningpelt?"

            "We're mates now," Stonecloud said.

            "Congrats," Cottonnose said.

            Ivygaze smiled as her three kits went off to start their own families.

            "Ivygaze thinks they don't need her anymore," Cottonnose said.

            "Of course they need you," Stoneclaw said. "You're their mother. You'll always be their for them."

            Ivygaze smiled and Stoneclaw nuzzled her. The three sat, watching the newly warriors explore.

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