Chapter 33

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            Many moons had passed since the deaths of Marshmallowheart and Ashclaw. Everyone was heartbroken by the loss. The clan had entered leaf-bare, which had showered the clan in more depression. Green-cough had filled the air, sickening many cats.

            The only good news had been that Mousestripe was expecting Reedtail's kits. It was a shame that they were to be born in leaf-bare. With less food and the freezing chills, it wasn't guaranteed that the kits would survive.

            Smokestar was on his last life too. When the old tom died, Cloudfur would take over the leader position. Stoneclaw knew that Cloudfur would make a good leader. He was one of the most loyal and strong clan members in SnowClan.

            Stoneclaw and Ivygaze slept side-by-side, trying to block out the chills of leaf-bare. A thin layer of snow had covered the ground, causing those cats with thin fur to freeze their pelts off.

            A scream echoed from the nursery. Stoneclaw pricked his ears, then opened his eyes. Ivygaze did the same.

            "What was that?" Stoneclaw whispered.

            Ivygaze shrugged. Padding to the nursery, they saw that Smokestar, Reedtail, and Thornfrost were already there. It was Mousestripe who had released the scream. The pregnant she-cat sat in the den with swollen eyes.

            "Exactly what happened?" Smokestar asked.

            Knowing that this probably wasn't their business, Ivygaze and Stoneclaw stood to the side of the den, trying to be unseen by the three cats.

            "I-I had a dream. More like a nightmare. was real. Moonstar came to me."

            Stoneclaw growled at the name. Moonstar was still present among the clans.

            "She-she said she was going to curse my kits. She was going to take over their bodies and rule the clan like she's tried to do before..."

            Stoneclaw dipped his head. He had heard the stories about Moonstar trying to take over cat's bodies before. Apparently she had taken over Smokestar's, Petalnose's, and Cindertail's body as well. All of her attempts had failed.

            "Don't worry," Thornfrost said. "I won't let them hurt you."

            A growl echoed from Reedtail. "What is your problem, Thornfrost?! I know that you used to love Mousestripe, but that doesn't mean you're the father to these kits!"

            "Reedtail," Mousestripe began, trying to calm the tom.


            Hurt, the golden-brown tom rushed out of the camp into the woods.

            "I don't think we were supposed to hear that," Stoneclaw said.

            Ivygaze nodded.

            Quietly, the two padded away into the nursery. Was it true? Moonstar was coming back?

The clan had been informed with the news shortly after Mousestripe's dream. Smokestar had ordered patrols to be stepped up, in case the she-cat dared to enter the SnowClan territory. As a Dark Forest cat, it was completely possible.

            The days of leaf-bare had continued, causing more snow to fall and less prey to be caught. Stoneclaw thought back to last leaf-bare when he and Lily were falling in love. Mesmerized by the thoughts, he shook his head. No, he was mates with Ivygaze now.

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