Chapter 29

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            A moon. That's how short it was. It felt like many more moons to Stonepaw. Ashclaw had picked ticks off the elder and stayed off patrol. He played with his kits some more, but they would mostly call for Stonepaw to play with them. Ashclaw would glare at him every second he got.

            Stonepaw had been suffering not talking to Ivygaze or the kits. It was torture. He had spent moons trying to return to her, and when he did, he was not allowed to talk to her. "What a cruel punishment, Smokestar," Stonepaw whispered.

            The good news was that tomorrow the moon would have passed, and Stonepaw could talk to everyone again. Also, since Stonepaw had learned moves as a fox too, Cottonnose thought he was ready to be a warrior. He had talked to Smokestar and Smokestar agreed. Today, he would do his assessment.

            Stonepaw yawned and padded out of the apprentice den, the last time he would ever sleep in their. He padded to Cottonnose who smiled brightly at him. "Ready?" he asked.

            Stonepaw nodded. "Yes, Cottonnose."

            Cottonnose and Stonepaw padded into the forest. It was another beautiful day. One of the last though. Leaf-fall was nearly upon them.

            Smokestar stood behind the two. "Ready to begin?" he asked.

            Stonepaw nodded.     

            "Go off and catch prey," Cottonnose said. "We'll meet back here to practice some fighting moves."

            Stonepaw nodded. This was one of the most important hunting trips of his life. He needed to show Smokestar that he could be a warrior. Padding into the woods, he immediately sniffed a mouse. Crouching down in the grass, he leapt, catching it between his paws.

            "A mouse isn't enough," Stonepaw said. He buried the small catch in the ground where he would pick it up later. He continued his search for prey. No other prey moved in the woods though. Not a scent passed through Stonepaw's nose.

            Stonepaw looked up, noticing a large bird sitting in a tree. It wasn't an eagle, but it was a larger bird. He laughed, thinking of the time when he was Stone. He had leapt from the tree, catching the bird.

            The bird payed no attention to Stonepaw. Stonepaw climbed the tree carefully, trying not to disturb the resting bird. As he got nearer to the bird, it seemed as though it might take off. The bird sat carefully, as did Stonepaw. When the bird seemed to calm down again, Stonepaw leapt, piercing his claws into the bird's wing. Unable to fly, the bird staggered around. Stonepaw bit its neck, trying to kill it. The bird hobbled as it dyed and then tumbled to the ground, landing with a huge thud.

            Stonepaw eased down the tree to examine his kill. This was the kind of prey that Smokestar wanted him to bring. Burying the bird, Stonepaw padded off farther. He really only needed one or two more pieces of prey.

            As he entered the meadow and came into the river, he sniffed. "Water vole," he said, spotting the vole. Once again, he crouched, leaping, and killing the vole. The vole was plump. This was surely all the prey he needed. Picking the mole up in his jaw, he padded back in the woods to find his bird.

            The bird's hole remained buried. Dropping the vole, Stonepaw dug it up. Holding the vole and dragging the bird, Stonepaw's mouth was full. How could he get the mouse now? There was enough room to keep it in his mouth though.

            Nearing where Smokestar and Cottonnose were, Stonepaw found the mouse's hole unburied. Another animal had dug the mouse up, leaving Stonepaw with no mouse to present. He sighed, but continued, hoping the prey he had caught would make up for it.

            "That's a large bird!" Cottonnose exclaimed as Stonepaw brought his prey to them, dropping the bird and vole on the ground.

            "How did you catch that?" Smokestar asked.           

            "ForestClan blood. I'm good at climbing trees," Stonepaw said.

            "Wait? You're ForestClan?" Cottonnose asked.

            "My mom was," Stonepaw said. "My father too."

            "Well that surely helped you," Smokestar said. "Show me some of your fighting moves."

            Stonepaw nodded, padding over to Cottonnose. Cottonnose leapt at him, knocking him over. Ready to swipe, Stonepaw crouched under him, knocking Cottonnose off his feet. Pinning Cottonnose, Cottonnose swiped under him, but Stonepaw was clever. He jumped up, landing on Cottonnose's back, pinning him a different way.

            "Very good," Smokestar said. "I think you would be an excellent warrior. Cottonnose, it's up to you. Will Stonepaw become a warrior or train for another moon?"

            "I think he's ready, Smokestar," Cottonnose said.

            Stonepaw smiled with a large grin.

            "Let's perform the ceremony then," Smokestar said, beginning to wander back to camp. Cottonnose and Stonepaw got up, following him.

            As they arrived back at camp, Smokestar got onto the tall rock. "ALL CATS OLD ENOUGH TO CATCH THEIR OWN PREY JOIN BENEATH THE ROCK FOR A CLAN MEETING!"

            Cats began to gather as Stonepaw stood on the rock. He saw Ivygaze and her kits smiling at him happily.

            "I call upon my warrior ancestors to look upon this apprentice. He has trained hard to follow your noble code, and I grant him to you as a warrior in return. Stonepaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code with all your life, even if it means risking it?"

            "I do," Stonepaw said.

            "Then by the powers of StarClan, I give you your warrior name of Stoneclaw. Serve the clan well."

            "STONECLAW! STONECLAW!" The clan yowled.

            Stoneclaw smiled at all his clan members. The moment he had been dreaming since birth was finally here. He was a warrior at last.

            As the cats left, Cottonnose padded up to Stoneclaw. "Congratulations," he said. "You're on vigil tonight."

            Stoneclaw nodded. He had to watch the camp all night without talking.

            He looked towards Ivygaze, but Ashclaw quickly escorted them away. There was always the next day for Ivygaze to congratulate him.

            As the sun went down, Stoneclaw sat as the first signs of leaf-bare came. The first leaf fell on the tip of his nose and a gentle breeze swayed. It was going to be a long night.

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