Sterio Types

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Everyone has them. Sometimes they can help us in generalizing a population. They help us know what the "norm" is, and how people fit into certain groups. But in my opinion, they are always flawed. Not every teenage girl is into fashion. Not every gay male has a lisp.  And not every republican voted for Trump, to name a few. So by enforcing stereotypes, you are limiting more broad groups down to the people that YOU think belong grouped together, when often, these groups are self recognizing. Aka, YOU should get to decide weather or not you are part of that group, not get told by other people weather you are a part of the group or not.
Stereotypes are often created by actions, appearances, and/or views that some of or a majority of the group has, but it is not what defines the the group.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 21, 2019 ⏰

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