Welcome Home!

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My cousin hanna waved me over."ANYA OVER HERE!"

"Hanna! its so good to see you!"I said. I ran to her, slightly tripping.

We embraced, and I sucked in my last breath of air as she was suffocating me. "hanna-cant-breathe!"

"Oops!" As she finally released me, she made a big smile.

 how was the flight?"she asked.

" Oh it was fine, as any flight should be." She smiled, grabbing one of my suitcases.

" Alright anya,welcome to tokyo!Lets get your luggage and hurry home!"

We got my luggage on a cart and took it to a taxi."Were five suitcases neccasary?"she asked.I laughed.

"Well there was my clothes but I also had my photos, my jewlery, my favorite pillow, my blanket my-"

" Ok ok i get it!" she laughed."Lets just get home!"

Her jet black hair blew in the wind. She was so beautiful. she looked more like my father then i did. she had saphire blue eyes that complimented her hair. my mother had blonde hair and light blue eyes. but when i was born , i had green eyes. my father said his grandmother had green eyes as well. great, i look like a dead person.

"Were here." she said. She turned to me, with a kind smile on her face.

While i was lost in thought I didnt realise we were driving for half an hour." How about you look around. I know theres a library three blocks down. And dont worry about your luggage me and mom got it." she said.

I didnt know what to do. I mean I wanted to look around, and yet i felt bad about leaving her here.

She saw my facial expression and knew what i was thinking." Just go! you will be fine!"

"Well..." I said."If you insist."

I started walking towards the library, but i couldent help but adore the little neigborhood!"wow this place is so beautiful!" I thought. I took in every detail, the uniqueness of japan, even though it was barely different from home, but I just felt the difference.

When I moved from California to Boston, I thought that was a big move, but now, I see I have been missing out! Everything was like a movie, perfect in every way.

I walked by a high school. That must be where hanna goes. I heard a bunch of girls screaming in joy."What the hell?" 

I thought. I looked past the wall to see all the girls gathered around someone who was clearly annoyed. then I saw a girl turn around. 

"new student?" one yelled over in english. i sighed. good, someone knows english. "Hey cousin! lets go for a walk!" Suddenly a figure ran up to me.The person pulled me close and we started running.

what the hell is going on?

but I knew he wanted to get away from those girls.We ran one block then stopped. While i was panting for air, he was just relaxing and staring at me. I really need to work out

"You ok?" the guy said. 

I looked up"Yeah im fi-" now i see why all the girls where crowding around him. He was incredibly hot! he had dark brown hair, a nice body,and goregous brown eyes.

I stared in awe for one more second,then shook myself back to reality.

"Im fine. thanks for helping me." I said in japanese."Your american right?" he said in fluent english.He spoke english? Bonus!

" Um yeah I just moved here. I heard the commotion and the next thing I knew..."

He shrugged. "Yeah I got used to it. They crowd around me a lot. They say Im the best looking guy in the school." He was obviously complimenting himself, Judging on his smile

"And based on how pretty you are, youll probably get a lot of attention too."He said.

Did he just call me pretty?? My face immediatly went red, and he smirked.

" Oh by the way my names Hiro. whats yours?"

"Oh my name is Anya, Its very nice to meet you." I smiled as we shook hands. He smiled to, but quickly looked around and flexed. Yumm...

"So ill see you around, maybe if you enroll in our school ill get to see you more." He winked. He was so cute! I couldent take much anymore.

"Yeah same for you. Bye!"I started to walk away."Wait a minute!" he said. He walked up to me and ruffled my hair."Be careful. there can be some creeps  around here."

I laughed."Ill take note" I waved good bye and started walking towards the library.  

I wonder who he was. Was he important? Is he an enemy? I shook my head.

GAHHH now im just thinking im in an anime or something.

Ijust hope this will be the one place where drama DOESNT happen.

I pulled out my earplugs, and began walking to my bruno mars playlist. Bruno Mars was my hero, I have always wanted to sing like him. I truly hoped one day I would be just as good...

I sighed. Maybe japan would be a good place to actually focus on what im doing...

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