New gifts, New secrets.

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I was lying in bed when I felt a hand on my head.

"Anya?How are you feeling." I opened my eyes to see...... Hatori!

What was he doing in my room?How did he get in?

"Hatori? how did you...when did you...." 

he laughed."well i explained to hanna that i was innocent and she was pretty happy when i told her i kicked hiro in the face. i quickly sat up, giving me a headache, but i ignored it.

 "is hiro ok? are you ok? i see your bruise! was that from him!" he looked suprised.

"bruise?" i lifted the sleeve of his shirt. man. he tensed when i started lifting up his shirt. when he finally looked at his arm there was a big bruise.

"wow. hes never hit me before. it doesnt hurt though." i poked it, and an imeditate look of pain crossed his face. he quickly sat  on my bed.


he slowly sat up, with a silly smile on his face.

"im not going to lie he is strong, but not stronger then me." i smiled."so i shouldent have to worry about you?" he looked at me,shocked."you were worried about me?" i laughed.

"when my cousin is on your ass, i should be more worried." he laughed, and took my hand into his."anya..." he said." sorry i made you worry...." .

"hatori.." he put his hand on my cheek and started pulling my face closer to his. i didnt fight it.

we were about to kiss when there was a big bang on the house door."JUST LET ME IN!!! WHY CANT I SEE HER!!" it was hiro.

me and hatori were nose to nose." that jack ass..."

hatori backed away, and so did i. he got up."YOU CANT SEE HER BECAUSE YOU ARE A TRAMP!" said hanna, who was yelling through the door."i think i should let the kid get a turn." he said.

" hatori!" i yelled. he turned around, smiling."oh that reminds me..." he took out a little box with pink and white roses on it."this is a get well soon gift." he handed the box to me, and i held the box like it was the most precious thing in the world ."thank you." i said.

he walked over,got his jacket, and kissed my forehead."ill see you soon ok?" i was to dumbstruck by the kiss,even if it was on the head, to speak. he smiled and walked out with a silent goodbye.

"you can see her now, idiot." said hatori, who was already downstairs with hiro and hanna." good. i dont want your face in my head when i think of her." hiro thought about me?

"ha! same for you!" said hatori."bye hatori, be safe." said hanna. she quietly shut the door."WHAT THE HELL???HOW COME YOU LIKE HIM??"

she shrugged."because hes not like you. now hurry up." i heard him run up the stairs then casually walked down the hall to my room. he slowly opened the door and stuck his head through."anya? may i come in?" i smiled as i hid the present under my pillow."oh yes please!" he sat down on my bed quietly.

"hiro? whats wrong?" he got down on the floor onto his knees."im sorry." he said."what??" i said." for kissing you, and for injuring you. I bet you think im stupid compared to hatori."

"hatori has nothing to do of what i think of you! i was so worried of what hatori did to you! please tell me your face is ok!" he looked up at me."you were worried?" his head went down again. i slowly got out of bed and bent down till i was at his level. i put his hand on my back." please hiro. i dont hate either of was an accident, and hanna is on everyones ass all the time.shit happens i mean-" hiro lifted me up back on the bed. he pulled me close, and when he finally let go, he smirked when he saw how red my face was.

"i dont regret meeting you, and even though i have been having family problems...i had a lot of fun." he said, then smiled.

"oh and  i got you something! well i wasnt sure what to get you, so i got you something that reminded me of you." he pulled out a little white box with my name on it. he handed it to me, and i opened it right away. in it was a gold ring with a pink diamond shaped saphire in the middle."its beautiful! i love it!" he took it out and put it on my ring finger."it suits you.."

he held my hand as hanna walked in."sorry to interupt but i.... WHAT THE HELL??????" hiro backed away from the bed and hit into the wall."NO NO NO ITS NOT LIKE THAT!" hanna rushed up to him and grabbed him by the shirt."YOU BASTARD!"

he looked at me with one word written on his

i tried to get up and pull hanna,who was hitting his chest,away from hiro." stop please hanna! its not like that! it was a gift!"

she turned around and put me back on my bed."it better have been! dont get out of bed again! hiro get out of here!" she started pushing him out."goodbye anya!" said hiro as he was being pushed out of my room.

"goodbye!" i said. as soon as they were out, i took out the present hatori gave me.

i opened the box  to find a gold chained necklace with a quarter sized, heart shaped,emerald. "wow.." i whispered. i put the necklace on and looked in my mirror. " it suits you." said hanna who was behind me."she handed me a peice of paper.

"its from hiro." she left from the room and i opened the paper. it said  text me soon! and had his number. wow. now i have 122 new contacts.

i couldent help the kids who were putting their numbers in my locker. luckilly so far they were all girls. yet still.

"anya?" hanna saw me smiling like a idiot. i would be worried abnout me to if i saw my smile right now.

"im fine!" she laughed."wow...for brothers they sure do fight a lot."

WHAT?????????????????THEIR BROTHERS?????BUT HOW????WHY?????WHAT??????? she gave me a poker face."you didnt know?....oh my god...."

 my head started hurting again. that cant be possible. they look nothing alike! then again they do have the same eyes.

" but hatori is six months older! how did he..." hanna laughed."their half brothers. hatori and hiro have the same dad! hatoris mom died five years ago. so their dad took him in."

. i guess it explains a lot. based on how much they hate eachother."ill let you sleep on that." hanna walked out of my room.

i took off my necklace and my ring and went to bed. even though thier borthers, i know they will still be there for me...

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