Hiro's Turn!

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i hardly slept that night. i was so excitied about my day with hiro, but eventually, i went to sleep. i got up around six, took a shower, dried my hair,picked out my outfit, and started packing my bag.  

i put in my strapless yellow dress, my cellphone, some money, and a towel. after i finished, i decided to go down to the lobby, just to look around.

when i went down, there was hiro, holding a disney map in his hand and a pen to mark different places. i blushed. was he really planning this all for me?

i dont think anyone but hanna ever did that. the thought that hanna and hiro had something in common gave me chills. i decided to walk up behind hiro and start rubbing his shoulders." youve been working too much."

i whispered. hiro gave a relived sigh." i know. so what are you doing up beautiful? couldent stop thinking about me?" i blushed. what was with his change of attitude. then i remembered. he said he would not give up. he said he would win me over so he could finally beat hatori. i lightly slapped him " shut up."i said teasingly.

he smiled his goofy smile and turned around, pulled both my arms, and pulled me on his lap. he gave me a big warm hug around my waist. i think he was getting a little too comfterble.

i repositioned myslef sitting next to him, and thats when he started rubbing my neck. i jolted back" woah woah woah woah!!!" he looked confused.

"what the hell? i was checking to see if you were wearing your bathing suit like i asked you!" "oh......oops." i giggled. he snorted."oops my ass! what was that all about? are you uncomfterble around me! i told you you could relax aroun-" i took his hands."thats not true. i just...i just want you to know i havent chosen." i looked up into his big brown eyes. i was lost in his gaze when he pulled me closer." well then," he whispered on my neck"can i at least flirt?" i guess there was nothing wrong with that. i mean people flirt all the time. i still backed away."can you save it for later at least? just to make sure hanna wont rip your balls off." he laughed."or hatori."

we all got breakfast again, this time we traded breakfast. i got pancakes, hanna got an omlete,and the boys merely traded thier bacon and sausages.

we all knew our plans. as soon as hatori and hanna left for frontierland, hiro took my hand. he held it tight. i looked at him."so where are we heading?" he smiled." ok first is that future place, and since were on a date, i want you to stay beside me."

did he just say date? before i could reply, we were running down mainstreet into the coolest stores we saw.

( ps to all my hatori fans who got this far, please leave your comments about what i should do next. im kinda stuck on hatori :\ itd be cool to send me you opinions like what team your own, what did i miss, any questions, or any ideas would be much apprecitaed!)

we finally got on to the raging waters ride. i decided to wear a blue top and short shorts, now aware this was a date.

he still held me close,even on the ride."ill protect you." he said."im not afraid or anything." i whispered to him, since we were on the ride with others. he rubbed my neck again, for the hell of it. my whole spine tingled and i shifter uncomfterbly

"your obviously afraid of my touch." he whispered back. ok so maybe i am not used to guys touching me. but i decided enough was enough."did you do this with you other girlfreinds? i mean everyone at school always talk about how many girls you dated."

he gave a sad look of defeat on his face."well what do you think. dont deny it. your tempted more and more every time i try." before i could reply, we started to decend down the waterfall.

we both screamed ad we decended down and both of our shirts and my legs got completly soaked! when the ride was over, he took off his shirt, in public! i covered him with my towel.

" hiro! what the fuck? why the hell did you do that?" i whispered. he smiled."well what do you know, you did wear your two peice."

i looked down to see that my whole shirt was soaked and you could se right through it!. i moved the towel to cover me,then him,then me, then he grabbed me arms and smiled.

"oh come on anya! just relax, i dont think anyone minds. the sun is almost down, so go change in your dress for the third part of our date." he sighed. i wasnt focused on that.

i just realised that his body...wow. i came to my senses, went to the bathroom, put on my dress and heels, and came out to see hiro with a white shirt(thank god.) and the black jeans he was wearing.

he gave me the hugest smile when he came out. he was taking pics with a camera" you look like a million dollars!" i laughed."and you look like fifty dollars." he pulled me close.

"oh that hurt, right in the gut." he knew i didnt mean it. his jet black hair was teasing me.... then i noticed something.

" hey hiro. i forgot to ask. are you full japanese? and is hatori? you both look like you have something else." he smiled.

"actually. our dad is half french and half japanese. my mom was a blonde. but i got dads hair. hatori, whos mom was spanish, got his feminine face from her."

i laughed. i knew when i met them that they werent full japanese. they had a more exotic look to them.(go ahead audience....try to imagine, kuz i have the picture in my head....a very good one indeed.) "haha you were staring at my hair. i think im getting red highlights, though your hair.."

he ran his fingers through my hair and smiled." is perfect." i was blushing but not for long. hiro made me close my eyes as we walked all the way to the new New Orleans area! there was music, and dinner, and everything!

now i knew why he got me all dolled up." lets eat!". after eating, the music was still playing. so he strutted into the middle of the street, and held out his hand."your joking." i said." i cant dance for shit." he smiled "me neither. thast what makes it more fun!"




"ok tell you what. he took out a quarter." if its heads, you dance with me. if its tails, you still have to dance with me, but for a shorter time."

i sighed."whatever." he flipped it. it was heads. he grabbed my hands and pulled me on to the street wiht him. other couples did the same." oh fuck." i said.

he put his hand on my waist andd took my other hand and inertwinned his fingers with mines."looks like we stared the party." i put my hand on his shoulder."lets just get it over with." i said teasingly.

dancing with hiro was so fun. he kept spinning me and lifting me in the air! i felt like i was a princess! the other couples follwed our influence. before i knew it. we were all moving at the same rythm...we looked like a couple flash mob.

after dancing, a girl and her boyfriend came up to us" your such a cute couple!" we really should all double date sometime!"

" WHAT THE ACTUAL-" hiro covered my lips with his fingers."sorry guys. were heading back home soon. and you guys make a awsome couple too!"

we said our good byes, and we kept walking."what the hell was that about??" i asked. he laughed. he wrapped his arms around my waist."just relax and accept the compliment. just think. five more months and you and me will be in high school together,while hatori and hanna are going to college, it will be your last year, perfect time to announce us-" i covered his mouth.

"shut up. i dont want to think of them leaving me. and i know you think you won.... but hatori is still fighting. you said its ok to flirt, not to propose us publicly declaring our love for each other."

it was eleven thiry."shit." i said.

"hannas gonna kill me." he smiled."HHAH! you sound like shes your mother." i looked at him with a evil grin." i bet you havent even thought about hatori yet. hiro was lost in thought for a few seconds." oh fuck."

we ran back to the hotel, rushed to the elavator, ran too our rooms, said goodnight, and walked in. i saw hanna, standing there in her robe."well." she said." looks like you have some explainig to do."

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