Chapter 1: Dear Diary

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        Dear Diary,

So, I'm on the plane about to go to Paris, the "City of Love''. I just can't wait. I'm sitting by the window, because it always has the best views. I just love the fact that I can 1) cross this off my Bucketlist, and 2) do it with my best friend, Kasey. I have so much planned. Most of it is kind of cliche, like, shopping in Paris, or visiting the Eifel Tower. The thing is though, the only thing I am not looking forward to is that I have to share a room with a total stranger. But who cares? I am going to Paris, freaking France. I hope I find some hot guys. Ooh maybe even a boyfr-

A guy I've seen only once or twice slumps down next to me. I look up from my diary and stared at him until he noticed. He glances my way and smirks.

"Is that a diary?" he said. I shut my diary embarrased and looked at him.

"No", I scoffed." Why you asking?"

"No reason, just saw the 'Dear Diary' on top of the page. Now I'm going to ask again, is that a diary?"

I rolled my eyes and putmy diary in the pocket of the seat in front of me. " Why so nosy?"

He smirks again." What, are you hiding a little dirty secret of yours?" He winks at me as he took out his phone. Disgusted, I rolled my eyes and looked out the window. The guy chuckled and I turned to look at him. I opened my mouth to say something until a plane attendant stopped next us.

"Please turn off all elecronic devices for we will be taking off." she said with no emotion. I grabbed my phone out of my back pocket and turned it on airplane mode. The lady walked away and the guy was still on his phone.

"Seriously?"he said. I shrugged.

"They said to turn it off." I said as I studied his face. He has brown hair and brown eyes. To be honest, he was pretty sexy. I looked down to his chest and stomach, and his shirt traced his 6-pack. I died. I looked back up to his eyes and found him smirking.

"Quit eye raping me." he said. My face turned into a shade of pink and I turned away from him and back out the window.

"I am not." I muttered."Now leave me alone."

"If you say so," he shrugged as he looked back down to his phone.

"Put that away." I told him. "We're about to take off." He ignored me.

"Hello?" He continued to ignore me and I was getting annoyed. I cleared my throat but he still wouldn't give me any attention. Without thinking, I grabbed his phone and quickly put it in my bra.

"Hey!" he yelled making the people across from us look."Give me my phone back."

I shook my head. "No. You ignored me."

"You said to leave you alone."

"I said to leave me alone, not ignore me and pretend I don't exsist."

He sighed and looked down. "Please?" he said with pleading eyes that was so sexy looking that was very tempting.

I looked away and said a firm,"No." He groaned and there was a slight silence.

"Okay,"he started."I think we started off in the wrong foot." He held out his hand and ave me a sheepish smile."I'm Dax."

I shook his hand."Ally."

He nodded and I pulled my hand away.

"So can I get my phone back?"


"God dammit Ally" he said slamming his fist onto the arm rest.

"Sorry Dax" I said as a smile crept into my face. He said my name.

"I will go in there."

"Try me." I said slyly.

"I will," Dax said as he smirked.

"Try and I will scream 'Rape'." He looked at my chest and then back at my face.

"Here goes nothing," he said lifting his arm up.

I let out a small scream and swatted his hand. I took his phone out of my bra and tossed it to him.


He smiled and winked at me. "You tempted me."

"Shut up," I told him. "I don't see why you're so protective about it."

He turned his phone on Airplane mode and put it in his pocket. "Well, forget it."

"No, tell me," I pleaded.


"You suck." I said.

"Only if you swallow." he said. I roll my eyes and look out the window and found myself smiling at his perverted comeback. I rested my head on the window and closed my eyes. This is going to be a long trip.



Thanks so much for reading!

Luh ya all!



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