Art Girl and Wolf Boy. We Sound Like a Bad Kid's TV Show. (11)

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"Well, I'll see you later." I said, biting my lip and looking at him. He leaned over and softly cupped my cheek, kissing me.

I smiled and we were interrupted by a tap on the glass window. Muttering to himself he rolled it down. Forrest grinned broadly at me. "I guess it all worked out."

"It did. Jude, stop glaring."

"I am NOT glaring."

"Yes he is." Forrest whispered. I smiled and pecked Jude on the cheek. "G'dnight."

"Night." He said reluctantly. I opened the door and he grabbed my wrist, whirling me around for another last kiss. I grinned.

"Enough. I'll see you tomorrow."

"Bright and early." He agreed.

I shut the door and Forrest leaned into the window. "If you ever get tired of her, here's my number."

"I'm not going to get tired of her. I never will." He said seriously, even though it was a joke. I smiled and walked to the door, Forrest trailing me, muttering, "Guy's got it bad."

The next morning, when I went outside while munching on a my third chocolate poptart I smacked right into Jude. I held my head. "Ow."

"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, I'm fine. Let's get to school."

"Wait." He kissed me, then stepped back, smiling. "Now, let's get to school."

I stopped cold in the middle of the hallway, blinking. It couldn't be. "Impossible." I whispered. And yet, there he was, arrogant smirk, dimples and all.

"What's wrong?" Jude asked, tensing as I did and tensing even more when he followed my gaze. "You know him?" His voice was gruff. I shook my head, lying. "No. He just stood out, that's all."

"If you say so." He kissed my neck. "I have to get to class." He sounded a little jealous, but just barely. I snapped out of it and smiled at him. "I'll see you later." I gave him a giant hug and a small peck on the cheek before the warning bell sounded and I rushed off to class, barely making it. The teacher gave me a warning glance and I walked to the back of the class, sitting in my usual seat. Jude and Molly weren't in my first period.

The teacher started talking about cells, when the door opened. All heads snapped toward the blond head standing there. "A new student. Great." The teacher said dryly. Mark didn't look offended, but flashed a heart-breakingly gorgeous smile. "I know right?

All of the girls in the front row swooned. Once I would've but now...I fingered the necklace around my neck.

Now I had Jude. And I knew the sleazy, cheating bastard that was behind those brown eyes.

I didn't realize I fazed out until I heard my name repeatedly being called. "...Verona! DYLAN VERONA!"


"Raise your hand." She hissed. I slowly raised my hand. She fake smiled. "Good." She turned to Mark, who was staring at me. "Pick someone to show you around, since the lady at the office didn't assign you a person."

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