Art Girl and Wolf Boy. We Sound Like a Bad Kid's TV Show. (21)

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You know what? I'm just going to skip to the wedding.

and after this, comes the sequel.


"I fell like I'm gonna puke." Madison said. Molly had already puked. I remained calm, breathing in and out. With my head between my knees, of course.

Why did they invent weddings? Huh? Was it to make sure that the wives' had a mental breakdown?

The music came on and I was helped up by Mandie, as our planner pratically threw our flowers at us. We each had one brides'maid. Hannah, the flower girl, had already gone out. The ring-bearer was Evan's little brother. The chapel was packed to the brim, with one huge section instead of four.

This was no traditional wedding.

For one, there were two chairs in the mother's place, one for my aunt/mom and the other for my mom. Dalton also had a place in the dad's section. Hey, this was my damn wedding. I was going to run it the way I wanted to

'Just the Way You Are' came on, and I promptly shoved Mandie and her dad thorough the doors. What? They were just standing there. Then went Madison and Molly, with their dad between them. Finally, there was me. My dad held out an arm and I took it. We grinned at each other.

"I love you." He whispered.

"I love you too daddy."

The ceremony went fairly fast. The flea market guy, Monty, was the priest (it was a surprise really) and he winked at me as we said our vows. We served the food before we cut the cake, because, well, I knew exactly the way that was going to go.

Cake+room full of werewolves and humans at happy, joy filled wedding+tempermental brides=disaster.

Of course we had a food fight. The dresses and tuxes were ruined. We slid across the floor on the icing durring the father daughter dance. My mom, with her huge belly, hugged me, crying. Both of my moms held each other as they sobbed.

I was just happy.

We went to different places for our honeymoons. Me and Jude went to Paris and spent a month there, with the promise that his father would look after the pack for us while we were gone.

We had a hell of a time.


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