Art Girl and Wolf Boy. We Sound Like a Bad Kid's TV Show. (17)

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pinkstar_eli. I am honoured, so honoured, in fact, that I'm gonna post this before I do my homework


"Dylan, sweetheart, what's the--"

I cut Emily off. "WHERE IS HE!?!"

"I don't know. He's not picking up."

"Give me a knife."


"Give it to me damn it." I snapped. She handed me a knife. Before she could stop me I sliced my arm out, screaming at the pain. Of course, Emily screamed too. "DYLAN! ARE YOU CRAZY!?!"

"WHAT'S GOING ON HERE!?!" Someone yelled. He walked into the room.

"Your daughter's crazy."

"This is Jude's mate?"

Em nodded. the guy stuck out a hand. "Hi, I'm Jude's dad, Charlie. May I ask why your dripping blood all over the floor?"

"Personal reasons." I gasped out. "Got a towel?"

"Here, child." Emily handed me a handkerchief filled with ice and I pressed it to my arm, sitting down.

"See, the logic is, that if I cut myself," I said, easing down into a chair and wincing, "Jude'll feel that I'm in pain and track me here."

"And you actually think-"


A huge black form burst through the the kitchen wall, growling and snarling. Jude changed and grabbed a towel off the counter and opening it with a loud 'thwack!' and wrapping it around himself.

Not before I got an eyeful though.

"Dylan." He grabbed my arm. "WHAT THE HELL!?!"

"I'm sorry." I blurted.

His eyes were stormy. "You rip my heart out, stab it, twist the knife, pour gasoline all over it, and light it on fire, and you expect me to forgive you with SORRY!?!"

"Can we have a little privacy please?"

Jude growled loudly and all the spectators scattered, his mom winking at me as she left.

I walked up to him and took his head between my hands and kissed him, trying to convey my feelings. I stepped back. "I remember."


"I remember. Everything."


I sighed in frustration, then stepped back, rubbing my shoulders. I looked at him. "Do you remember that, day, in the park, when you told me what you are?"

He nodded.

"And when I said I was okay with it, what did you do?"

"I hugged you."

"Before you hugged me, you did something."

"I...I think I spun you around in the air," he said.

"Exactly." I said softly. "Stuart spun me around while I was getting off the horse. And when I looked down, instead of seeing his face I saw yours." I laughed dryly. "It scared the crap out of me. I nearly blacked out. And then I remembered. Everything."


"It's true! Why don't you believe me!?!"

"Because I don't want to get my hopes up. What if you wake up tomorrow and forget me again? Huh? What then, Dylan?"

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