Chapter 8: "Dead or Living?"

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Jace's POV:

We don't know where we are going but we only have a couple flashlights, we didn't want to get caught in the dark. I pick up the walkie talkie.

"You guys see anything in this shitty town?" I say

"There's a pretty decent house just up the road, want to stop there?" Derrick answers.

"One of us has to stay back at the car's these girls are too drunk to do anything"

"Carson could probably do that, you okay with that?"

"Yeah, I'd prefer that." Carson responds.

"Great then it's settled Derrick lead the way"

We pull into the huge driveway of the house, when Derrick said decent I didn't think he meant a mansion damn. I don't even think he knew it was this big of a house until we pulled up.

"Ready?" I say

"Yup, you want to go first?"

"Yeah I'm ready for a fight" I say pulling my gun and knife out. Walking in this huge house we didn't know what to do. We each took half of the house to search just in case. There was nothing here, that I seen anyway. I heard a gunshot I made my way over to where it came from, Derrick had killed two zombies we dragged them outside and the rest was clear. As we walked out it turns out we had company, Carson had a gun to his head. The girl turns around taking a shot hitting Derrick straight in the leg. As he fell to the ground I aim at the girl.

"You really think I'm scared of you?" she asks.

"I know you need more people to travel with or else you would have left us alone, there are 6 of us and one of you" I almost laugh "Who's side are you on"

"Don't try to fool me there are three of you" she says laughing

Right then I see Anna and Lex coming out of the vehicles they are half awake with hangovers but ready to shoot.

"Think again" I say

"You just shot my man you bitch!" Anna yells slurring her words a little.

I see Lex aiming at her making her way over to Derrick and pulling him into the house. She knows we can handle if from here I just hope she can help him soon.

"You're really funny bitch I'll shoot you too!"

"Go ahead! Do me a favor, by the looks of it you're not going to shoot me since your finger is off the trigger." Anna says aiming her gun at the girls knee

"Even if I didn't I would still die it's not like anyone will help me anyways"

"Wow, you don't even know us, so how would you know? Besides that you shot one of our friends, which I can't say Anna won't shoot you for."

"People shot my boyfriend I was lucky enough to get away"

"My ex boyfriend commited suicide in the bathroom while we were all sleeping, try me bitch." Anna was getting frustrated, with her being drunk this wasn't going to end well.

"He was your ex, he obviously didn't mean much."

"Oh yes, you know me so well, can I just shoot her already?" Anna asks turning to me for an answer.

"No, go in the house and help Lex, I'll take care of her." I motion for her to go into the house.

"Fine, but if you shoot him, I'll have no problem leaving a matching hole in you." She says walking up the stairs without taking her eyes off either of us.

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