Chapter 4:"What is that sound?"

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Anna's POV:

It was about 9 in the morning when I woke up, Derrick had moved all of the blankets onto me, I shook him to wake him up. With a weird groan he finally asked what.

"Do you want to go take a walk and find food for everyone? If not that's okay I'll go by myself." I ask him as I stretch and put my shoes on.

"No, I'll go with you, I need to walk around anyways, also don't need you bringing back junk food." I couldn't stand his smartass comments, even though I wasn't much better, I just rolled my eyes and threw a pillow at him.

Everyone else was still asleep, I see Jace and Lex are getting along nicely as I walk over to the door. It was early quiet out in the main part of the mall, the slight breeze was all you could hear, I couldn't tell if that was good or bad. Derrick caught up to me and handed me one of my guns, we walked to the food court to check the food there, it had been deserted for not to long so there should be a good selection of food.

I tossed a few bags of chips and some other canned foods, "These will keep well and won't go bad as quick, also not to heavy to carry, find anything?" I ask him peaking my head over the counter.

"No, it's all mostly gone bad, but there's some donuts and coffee over here we can have for breakfast." He grabs a box and fills it up with donuts and grabs coffee cups.

"I think that's all we'll need, we should start making our way back, when everyone is awake we should find walkie talkies for when we split up like this again." I zip up my backpack and grab the coffee cups so he wouldn't spill them, he takes my hand and grabs the donuts in the other. All of a sudden he drops the donuts and I jump at the sound of Lex's voice.

Lex's POV:

I wake up to Jace being next to me and his arms wrapped around me I smile knowing what happened last night. I look around seeing that Derrick and Anna were gone everyone else was still asleep it was about 10am. I slightly get out of his arms and walk towards the door. With my knife and gun at my side I grab a backpack and head towards the food court I see Anna and Derrick looking through all the food I walk over trying not to scare them.

"Hey guys" I say

"You really have to stop doing that, could give someone a heart attack, or in this case you wouldn't have gotten your coffee." Anna almost yells.

" You guys left and I got bored what was I supposed to do wait?"


"What's the fun in that?"

"Well I coulda had more alone time with Derrick" She says with a wink.

" Yeah now give me the food and get outta here then!"

"I want my donuts and I'll just make Nate jealous back at the store." she says forgetting that Derrick was next to her.

" Yeah well um" I say looking towards Derrick.

"Oh hey, you mind if I do that?" She turns to Derrick.

He shrugs "If that means I have to kiss you, I mean, can't be mad at that."

" Get a room" I say as I'm walking away to see if Jace was awake yet.

Anna's POV:

Laughing as we walk back to the store, I lay the coffee's on the bed next to the donuts and go to wake up Kayla. I could see Nate sitting on the farthest bed from the group, I shoved Kayla off the bed and went to go tell him breakfast was here. He didn't make eye contact with me, just mumbled okay and walked behind me to grab his donut.

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