Chapter 10: "The Wrong Choice Turns Right"

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--Lex's POV:

I haven't been able to sleep. Everyone here looks up to me it seems like, and it's my job to keep them alive. It's morning now I found a clock here it says 8:00 a.m. I can't remember the last day where I actually used time or even a clock for that matter. I left my ankle unwrapped hoping that it would do something, it's definitely not red anymore but it hurts still. I stay in one place just sitting on the counter waiting for something to happen.

--Octavia's POV:

I couldn't sleep even though I knew it was early, I just kept tossing and turning. Rae smacked me a few times last night because I wouldn't hold still, it's not my fault, it's uncomfortable. I get up and walk down the stairs, Lex was just sitting on the counter, kinda weird, should probably check if she's alright though.

"Good morning." I say yawning.

"Morning, you're up kinda early?"

"Couldn't sleep, I guess you couldn't either."

"Well I've been up since last night so that should answer your question.."

"Damn, hopefully Jace will drive for you then because you don't need to be on the road."

"I have a bad feeling about leaving, you know?"

"Do you feel better about staying then?" I say almost confused, we haven't stopped moving till now, why all of a sudden?

"Everyone just looks to me for answers, but what if I'm wrong?"

"You haven't been wrong yet, but I could see how you'd be worried about that."

"Where do you think we should head to?"

"I'm not sure, definitely not to big cities but where else is there to go?"

"Now you understand why I don't know!"

"Don't freak out jeez, we'll all take a vote when the others get back on where we want to go, hopefully we can all come together to figure SOMETHING out."

"You know they prolly won't go for that.."

"Probably not, but what else can we do?"

"Either we stay here for another night or go on to small cities, that were most likely killed off and very few zombies with more supplies, but I still can't walk easily."

"Yeah, should stop by another hospital and pick up a pair of crutches for you, you shouldn't walk on it that much."

"There isn't one for miles, that I know of."

"Then we'd have to road trip to one."

"You know what I'll be ok, I have a few more days before I can walk probably so for now I can just guard the vehicles, it's the best I've got for now."

"Well, we'll have to make it work, I can hear a car outside, I wonder if that is them." I say walking to the front door as Anna pulls up with two other cars, at least they found something.

--Jace's POV:

I pull in the driveway of the cabin hoping Lex is here and awake. I walk up to the door and it was opened by Octavia. I look around inside to see my girlfriend sitting on the counter.

"Babe I missed you!" I hear her say as she gets excited. I walk over to her and grab her hands.

"I missed you too, these two can't make up their mind, might need to teach them!"

"You act like you almost died!"

"Yeah and it was their fault!"

She looks over at the girls who are talking to their boyfriends, "Girls what did you do to almost kill yourselves?"

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