Good ideas turn into battlefields.

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You may hate other other at first. It may take a while but it's easy to fall in Love. Sometimes people don't work out and good ideas turn into battlefields. I fell for Caleb as soon as I saw how much he cared and how much empathy he had for other people although his own life had been awful. I fell in love with my kids when I heard their heartbeat and saw them waving through the monitor and when I saw them on ultrasound for the first time and they were nothing more than a peanut. And I fell in love with myself when I realised I'm stronger than I ever imagined I could be, raising 4 kids, surviving a suicide attempt and breaking down the walls that protected me from heartbreak and this is the beginning of me rebuilding my life and becoming myself again.

"Hanna Marin- Rivers. The judge will see you now"



In my ears

Out of my chest

Stepped forward

Opened the door

Hoped for the best.


"We have found evidence against our previous jury, somehow DNA must have mixed up. Miss Reagan Victoria Rivers is not the child of the Caleb Rivers now deceased."

I know it took me a while to come around but I had got so used to her being my child it startled me, how can a child live for 3 years with a lie. She's grown up with three children who were said to be her siblings and it was all one massive lie.

"Until the home of Miss Miranda Collins had been inspected, the child in question will be placed in foster care."

See I told you, good ideas turn into battle fields

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