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It's winter now. Dark and gloomy, almost no one is out, just how I like it. The feeling of snow seeping through my worn shoes, my socks completely soaked. The numbness of my toes is somewhat comforting, it's hard to explain this feeling.
Trudging through this snow slowly, only to expect torture once getting 'home'. It's not always been like this, having this feeling of being worthless consume you it's toxic, it's like the lights have gone out and left me in the darkness.
In the movies you'd see a hero pop out of nowhere, saving you or someone looking out for you from the shadows... In my case, I am nothing, nothing worth saving. Worthless.

While I was so caught up in my thoughts I tripped over a sheet of black ice.
"Aish shit-" I said as I felt my back hit the hard ice. I got up and brushed off the ice and snow, I looked around and saw a group of boys coming forward to my direction. I must have attracted some unwanted attention in this unknown alley.
A tall boy, I recognize from my school headed for me, I stood completely still, like ice. Frozen.
"Aishhh shitt" he mocked while pushing harshly making me fall again.
"Ah-look I'm sorry" unknowning why I said sorry in the first place.
I look at my leg feeling the blood seep through. I breathed in, holding my tears. It's fine I've been through a lot worse, let's pretend it's fine.
Just pretend.
Just pretend to feel nothing.

He landed a kick straight to my stomach, my breath shakes as I feel the numbness take over.
"Pretty boy, gonna cry?" He laughed, the other boys joining him, laughing and kicking me until they've had there fun, aka, until I stopped crying. I felt numb, nothing. I finally got up and leaned on the alley wall. Feeling my legs buckle under me I fell to the cold ground again, back pushed against the wall.
At least something is supporting my numb body, through all this shit. My eyes sting, my cheeks cold, cold from the frozen tears stained there. My washed out face looking at the blood on the pure white snow. Maybe tonight is the night. I mean it's nothing special, today is just as mundane as any other day.
Lets not go home tonight.
Let the frost take me.
Lets die here.

I can finally join my dad, his goofy smile, and his terrible dad jokes. I smile remembering back, remembering him. If I stay here I'll easily die from exposure, maybe it's for the best. No one wants me I'm worthless.

I laugh loudly, "Just like the trash I am, Huh?" I spoke as I look at the trash bags around me. Staying here is better than getting the abuse once I walk through that door, home. I'd rather get eaten alive by the stray cats and rats running in and out of this dark alley.

I inhale deeply, smelling the cheap cologne I put on this morning. I chuckle, my dad would never wear this, it's too cheap for him. He wouldn't even let me wear it if he smelt it. I remember those expensive crystal bottles I used to use in his top bedside draw. It would intoxicate me. The intoxicating smell of a man.

Yah know, though I'm in pain, I feel happiness,  I have closed my eyes, within this darkness I see the sunshine at the end of this dark and toxic tunnel. I can smell the cologne, the smell of the intoxicating scent of man getting stronger as I get closer.

I was struck with the utmost pain, blood curdling pain in my neck covering my whole body. My vision blurry from the newly formed tears. I felt my soft heart increase in pace as I felt a heavy weight on top of me, something holding me back from the light. Like a panther to its prey, slowly draining the life out of me, I somewhat feel like I know who this is, as I feel the blood trickle down my neck I know that this, is a blood sucking monster. Many people have talked about them before. No one has ever seem one before, I believed they were fake. Unless this is my final moments and I've suddenly turned mad, dying in the hands of something I believed didn't exist, but that somewhat fits me.

My body complying to his touch, completely limp under his. His hot tongue against my ice cold body, sending electric shocks through my spine. I heard him groan and lick a stripe on my neck, mopping up the excess blood, making me shiver at his subtle touch. after he pulled away I felt the numbness escape and all I felt was pain, my neck pulsating, I felt the blood drip down onto my jacket. I look up and meet his piercing gaze. His face is like art, it's perfection, he looks too good, fake almost.

"Jiminie you taste amazing" he praised, flicking the blood and placing his blood covered fingers into his mouth, groaning again at the taste. I stayed silent, my lips too numb to speak, anyway what am I supposed to say 'oh thanks' I mentally laugh. Also how does he know my name like who the fuck is this man in front of me.

"Are you scared?" he smirked gently wiping away the tears that fell before. I nodded, yes I'm scared... But I'll be free soon. I'll be happy soon, I just have to endure this for now. The end is so close, like I can almost taste it.

"Baby..." I felt his hand caress my cheek, I looked at him again with pleading eyes and opened my mouth to speak

Kill me now, please.

Nothing came out, like they just got caught in my throat, like I have no voice. His eyes softened and sighed like he knew what I said.

"Why don't you come with me?" He asked calmly, his heated palm still caressing my skin.

"You might like it better with me...Alive." he added.
I can die anytime I want, I still have dad looking over me. I have nothing to lose, not anymore...

I slightly nodded.
"I'll take that as a yes?" He questioned, I nodded again and said
"Close you eyes."  I complied and felt his hand intertwined with mine.

He sprinkled me in pixie dust and told me to believe.
Believe in him and believe in me.
Together we will fly away in a cloud of green.
To your beautiful destiny.
As we soared above the town that never loved me.
Peacefully my feet hit the sand.

"open them Kitten" he whispered into my ear, making me shiver at the pet name. I open them and is greeted with a huge mansion. It was insane.

It's fit for a king

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It's fit for a king...many kings.

"wow" I spoke with my eyes wide and mouth agape. I heard him chuckle and say
"Let's meet my brothers." I turned to him, prying my eyes away from the god like building.
"Brothers? How many? Seems like thousands..." I spoke
He chuckled and replied
"There's 6 of us in total. But this house holds maids and butlers too"
I nodded, "six" I mumbled.
"Are you scared yet?" He chuckled at my reaction.
"No," I said, looking at him. I'm not anymore, it might be a new beginning.

"You should be" he said bluntly. I nodded, anyone would be right? But I mean, I'm not normal. I am a person that has nothing to live for. That's not normal.
"By the way... What should I call you?"
"My name's Taehyung, but you can call me da-nevermind"
I nodded and said
"Oky Taehyung."

He grabbed my hand and lead me into the house...

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