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-Later, the same day as part 5-

Jin and the rest of the boys came home(minus Hoseok).
Jin immediately asking questions about the day, Taehyung and Jin rage bottling inside as the smug look on Jungkook got worse.
"I wanted to see what the hype was with him...he's amazing btw."
"THAT WAS HIS VIRGINITY! YOU SHOULDN'T HAVE TAKEN IT!" Jin exploded, his face was as red as a tomato.
"Who should've? The timing was right that's all, I treated him well, go ask him yourself." Jungkook rolled his eyes.
Taehyung had left and the slamming of a door could be heard.
"Just cuz' it was the youngest, what if it was someone rough, like Yoongi?"
Jin's eyes were full of rage
"YAH- STOP SPEAKING! You don't know how to control yourself." He shook his head. Jungkook was getting annoyed now,
"But I did, didn't I!? I didn't break any part of his skin, unlike you animals, ugh."
Jin scoffed and spoke
"Fine, it's happened now, Jimin seems happy too so I can't complain..." he left Jungkook in the kitchen smirking...

Jimin PoV

I stretched and yawned, making a sleeping Yoongi groan and turn over, I giggle at his reaction and get up, it's about 6pm-ish now, dinner soon. I got up and headed into the kitchen. I wanted to go find Hoseok but I don't know where his room is, and...he's scary. I approached Jin as he spoke
"He's out Jiminie, he will be back late."
I pouted and told him
"When he comes home can you tell him Jiminie wants to see him please"
He nodded
"Go and play, I'll call you when dinner's ready."
I walked towards my room, getting stopped by an angry Taehyung.
He said in a angry, husky tone.
"Y-yes Daddy?" I tilted my head to the side. He smirked and backed me into his royal green and golden room,
I hadn't realised he was holding a paper bag.
"I got you a gift Kitten, be good and put it on for daddy." He spoke leaning in my ear, I shivered and nodded,
"Thank you daddy, you didn't need to though.."
He petted my head and I leaned towards him,
"I need to spoil my kitten when he's being so good." I smiled as I lifted up Jungkook's loose jumper over my head and pulled my shorts down.
"Is my baby wearing no undies?" He licked his lips as he spoke, I shamelessly nodded, feeling his eyes on me, filled with lust, I took a peek in the bag and immediately smiled widely.
"Jiminie? Baby what do you want for dinner?" We heard Jungkook from the other side. I immediately froze. Tae's eyes filled with jealousy and mouthed,
"Answer him Kitten."
"Um-Whatever Daddy's having!" I shouted, Tae's expression grew darker. It's not my fault I have multiple daddies, I pouted.
"Okay Minnie I'll come get you when it's ready."
We hear his footsteps getting further away. I avoid Tae's looks of annoyance and look into the bag,

 I avoid Tae's looks of annoyance and look into the bag,

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(made from thin silk)

My smile grew wider, no one bought me PJ's like this before...with me in mind like this.
"T-thank you, daddy, can I wear them now?" Asking politely with a beaming smile.
He smiled and petted my hair, me being me I leaned in, I was a cat purring at my owners touch.
"Go ahead, that's why I bought them for you." He spoke, followed by a quick peck, he leaned on the wall as he watched me, my every movement being watched...
I took the shorts and placed them on with ease the loose silk feeling amazing on my hot skin. I placed the shirt on buttoning the buttons one by one, losing my breath once Tae came up behind me and buttoned them up while looking in the mirror, at me and at them..
"All done!" I spoke brightly.
"Not yet, he took the bag and took a pacifier, with the same strawberry pattern and popped it into my mouth,
"All done," he smiled caringly, brushing my hair again. He sat down on the bed.
After some time his gaze, turned somewhat sad?
Taehyung just blankly stared at me.
"Come here kitten," he said calmly patting his lap. I nod and sit on him feeling his cold belt buckle touch my thigh making me shiver,
"Kitten, why did Jungkook have to take you first," he mumbled,
He genuinely sounded sad?
"I still love daddy though, I'm still your baby kitten," I said worried.
He smiled "I know kitte- wait"
He takes a hold of my neck and sees the nail markings made by Jungkook,
"I swear to god that kid-aish, he didn't hurt you did he? Wait who am I kidding he probably hurt you, that boy's gu-"
I pulled Tae's shirt collar, and joined our lips, stopping him from speaking, he immediately kissed back, moving his hand towards the side of face. I pulled away, a string connecting us, he wiped it from my lip,
"Kookie didn't hurt me, he said to me he never wanted to hurt me, Kookie didn't do this..." I spoke, calmly, foreheads touching.
His face had a hint of slight jealousy and anger but calmed down again watching my face,
"I soon find out whether he's telling the truth or not about my property.''
I blush at the nickname and hug him
"I-i love you tae, thank you for bringing me here and helping me and loving me." I feel a tear escape my eye, thinking about my mother and sister wondering how their coping. I smile looking at Tae his blank face always seems to make a bad thought disappear. He wiped away the tear and said,
"If you wanna see what they're doing all you have to do is ask you can see them without them seeing you."
"It's not liked they even cared about me so why should I care" I mumble crossing my arms pouting.
He smiles and says,
" it's okay baby you have us now, no matter how jealous I get you still have us 6." He kisses me. I think he noticed me getting sleepy so he laid down and I crawled on him curling up and soon falling asleep completly forgetting about dinner.

I woke up around 4 am still cuddled in the arms of Tae, I felt extremely hungry so I unravelled myself from him not waking him and headed to the kitchen, I stumbled until I reached he kitchen and opened the the fridge seeing two portions of food, mine and Tae's, I would wake him up but he looked so cute and peaceful sleeping. I grabbed the bibimbap and grabbed an egg, I remembered the hard times of  teaching myself how to cook since no one cooked for me, I went through weeks and weeks of sickness from me not cooking food properly, I sigh remembering those times I felt alone. I'm happy now, I've got a family who I think loves me.
I hope they do, they do right? Ugh.
While I was frying the egg I felt two arms wrap around my waist and whisper into my ear.
"We do love you, I love you, you're our baby and you're my baby kitten."
He brushed his lips over my ear before nuzzling his head into the crook of my neck, leaving small kisses.
"D-Daddy," I whimper, a small shiver going up and down my back,
I move the egg onto my portion of food and grab some chop sticks,
"Do you want to eat?" I asked him
"Mhhmm" he hummed in response, "go sit down and I'll bring it to you,"
After I had sorted his portion out with a fried egg I brought it to the dining room but he wasn't here, I checked the living room and I giggled at his puffy face,
"Daddy you're so cute"
"Shhh I tiredu"
"Why didn't you stay in bed?" I asked
"I wanted to sleep but you kept thinking stuff and it distracted me." He said yawning.
I blushed and looked away, Mumbling a small "sorry"
"Also I'm hella hungry, so gimmie food." He made grabby hands towards me, I placed the food on the table and
mumbled under my breath
"And I call you daddy" I giggle
He pulls me towards him and places me on his lap forcefully, fully awake at the remark.
"Yes, yes you do, and unless you want to be punished by daddy I suggest you don't make snarky comments like that again, got it kitten?" He said into my ear making me shiver,
"Yes daddy," I giggled.
He slapped my thigh earning a sharp gasp from me and jolting,
"Ah daddy please lets eat, I won't make jokes again, kitten is sorry."
I say. He smirks and kisses my cheek,
"Lets eat!" He says before he places next to him grabbing my bowl and handing it to me before grabbing his own...

So here's part 6! I been away.. I hope you like this chapter not much happened but you do get those in books so... anyway the next chapter is on its way, idk when I'll publish it tho so in the mean time I'd love to hear some of your feedback! Thank you for reading and supporting this book!

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