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After leaving the store I headed to grab some clothes. I went and grabbed some basic jeans, shirts, hoodies and other stuff. But I got distracted and got lead to the lingerie, I'm kind of happy I have a small petite frame so I can fit into the female clothes and play dress up, I chose some feminine clothes. After that I went back and picked out some boxers and females underwear, it's that, I feel more comfortable sometimes in them. I hope they don't make fun of me. I don't want to change for them, after I bought enough clothes and some shoes I went and payed and went to the next shop on the list, it was the largest baby shop I saw, so I got distracted by the pretty pastel blue lights and had to enter, I grabbed bottles, sippy cups, pacifiers, and I saw a cute meowchi plush I needed

 I don't want to change for them, after I bought enough clothes and some shoes I went and payed and went to the next shop on the list, it was the largest baby shop I saw, so I got distracted by the pretty pastel blue lights and had to enter, I gra...

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After that I only had 15 minutes until I had to meet Hoseok, not wanting to be late I waddled over there with numerous bags, in the distance I saw his red pants standing out and I sped up my pace. I caught up to him.
"Hi ma-Master," I was out of breath,
"Oh Jiminie," he looked at me. Taking the bags from me
"Bought enough?" He chuckled. I blushed.
"C'mon Let's go"
I nodded and we headed to the car...

-time skip-
Once we got home I was greeted with Tae and Jungkook smiling widely at me, while Yoongi was staring at me up and down then going to Hoseok taking the bags heading to my room,
"I guess these are yours." He shouted
"Yes daddy!" I shouted back.
I didn't realise but Jungkook, Tae and Hoseok must have been angry because I couldn't get through to them until I said I had presents,
"I wantttt it nowwww pleaseee Kitten," Tae whined as I giggled.
"No not until everyone's home daddy."
"What about me baby?" Jungkook gave me his bunny smile. I nodded my head no and said
"Same goes for you." I smiled while skipping to my bedroom.
I entered my open door and saw Yoongi laying on my bed.
"D-Daddy?" I said softly
"Jimin, lock the door and come here." He said calmly, I obeyed and did what he asked, he sat up and pulled me on his lap, me straddling him, we sat there for a couple of moments looking into each others eyes full of something? Idk what.. I was blushing madly, as he starts leaving small kisses on my neck,
"I want you" He said pulling away from my neck,
"D-Daddy... I w-"
"JIMIN! LUNCH IS READY GET YOONGI TOO!" I heard Jin shout, he must have came home.
Yoongi sighed in annoyance.

While this was happening with Yoongi what Jimin didn't know was that the two youngest was fighting over him, luckily Jin came home, no on else would be able to break them up,

Jimin came down, hearing his name in the background, he saw Jungkook with a busted lip and Taehyung has scratch marks up his neck,
"Master?" I looked up to Jin with terrified eyes.

These eyes Jimin gave Jin, it hurt him he didn't want his Mochi to be scared especially being scared of themselves,

He pulled me in and hugged me
"Jimin, Tae and Jungkook just had a little disagreement..."
"A-about m-me?" A tear fell from my eye looking at how Jungkook and Tae looked at each other then at me.
"N-no it's fine kitten," Tae fell to his knees in front of me touching the side of my face smiling slightly.
"It's okay baby I'm sure me and Tae can talk it out," Jungkook spoke, walking up to Tae offering his hand to get Tae up. Tae took it and hugged Jungkook.
He whispered in a low tone
"I'm sorry brother I don't want to see Jimin like this." Jungkook felt tears well up in his eyes.
Jungkook wrapped his arms around Tae and whispered,
"i-same, I'm sorry too brother, can we talk...alone?"
Tae nodded his head.
Jungkook and Tae both turned around and bowed
"We're sorry Jin hyung" they said in unison, Jin smiled and my heart began to calm down,
"It's okay boys I'll have a chat with you later, especially doing this in Front of my Mochi,

-time skip- After lunch-

I saw Jin take Jungkook and Tae into Jungkook's room, they've been in there for an hour now, I'm really worried...

-No PoV-

Jungkook sighed again from the nth time since they've been in here
"Hyung why don't you leave and me and Tae can sort it?"
Jin laughed and said
"We. don't. Keep. Secrets."
"N-no hyung that's not what he means-"
"Shut it I might as well bring the others in here too," he laughed again "wait here boys" he spoke as he left.
Tae sighed and said
"This is going to be awkward"
"hold on hyung, didn't Jimin say to Jin 'Master'? So maybe he's in a awkward position too."
He said raising his eyebrows.
Suddenly Tae laughed and said
"Does that mean we have a lot more competition?"
"Sadly... Yes"
Jin had brought the other boys in and kept Jimin occupied with his colouring books and said there was a special meeting taking place...in Jungkook's room.

-time skip-
"I don't like the way you're treating this Namjoon!" Yoongi said out of anger,
"I think it's... Just strange, we've never done this and I don't wanna start doing so." Joon huffed rolling his eyes,
"Listen, either join in or not we don't really care, you don't like him? Who cares, just get used to him calling us by the names we said, daddy for almost all of us and master for Jin and Hobi, I'm not telling you to join in or care, just get use to it," Jungkook spoke after them bickering for a good 10 minutes,
"At least the maknae has something good to bring to the table," Yoongi said under his breath,
"Wanna say that again? Out loud?" Namjoon raised his voice.
"AT LEAST THE-" He got cut off by Jin covering his mouth with his hand,
"Wanna say that any louder so Jimin can hear?"
Yoongi looked down
"Sorry Jin...hyung"
Jin stood up and said
"Well now that every ones informed, I better get to work, when u get back if I hear one word that's not 'nice' in front of my mochi, I swear to god...Anyway, Jungkook, Tae take Jimin out and go get food he likes, I've just been making random food, I don't know if he likes so go and do that,"
They both nod and head out the door.

I cant believe I've hit 2k reads wtaf, I didn't think anyone would read what's in my messed up head! I love reading your feedback,
P.S- I really wanna publish another FF I've got 2 I want you guys to choose which one you would actually read.

They are really old, probably a year old so they will need revisiting and stuff, the first one is a bundle of boyXboy ships in kpop, and the second is another JiminXBTS based in a high school, what one would u read?- Yuri❤️🖤

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They are really old, probably a year old so they will need revisiting and stuff, the first one is a bundle of boyXboy ships in kpop, and the second is another JiminXBTS based in a high school, what one would u read?- Yuri❤️🖤

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