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I woke up this morning early, have been colouring and setting my room up nicely. Sticking up my well coloured drawings over the walls to make it seem less empty. My stomach said it was breakfast, I checked the clock, did Jin sleep in? It's 9:20, he'd normally get me at nine.. I'll see what's going on.

I got up and eased towards the kitchen, the house seeming empty. I got into the kitchen and saw a light pink note on the fridge, I picked it off and it read,

Jungkook! Taehyung! Look after Jimin for me! Treat him correctly I'LL KNOW IF YOU DON'T! Food is in the fridge COOK FOR HIM.
I'm at work with the rest of the boys, call me if you need anything, as always! -Jin

So... Jin's not here, but Jungkook and Taehyung is, ok, should I ask them to feed me? I think I can do it on my own, no need to disrupt them, they'd be annoyed by me anyway...
I opened the fridge grabbing the eggs and bacon, closing it, jumping out of my skin once I see Jungkook behind the door, the last time I encountered him...was when we kissed, and he left me stunned...
"What you doing?" He asked,
"I- making breakfast." I gulped, startled slightly by his presence.
He leaned his head on the fridge and hummed
"I dunno, I don't think baby boy's cook?" He leaned forward, lowering to my eye level,
"Does this baby boy even know how to cook? Hmm?" He asked. I played with my lip in between my teeth and nodded
"Yes, J-Jiminie can!" I had a small pout on my face, not realising I spoke in 3rd person. He ruffled my hair,
"Why don't you help me? I'll cook you anything you want." He smiled, I blinked and asked
"Anything?" He smiled and nodded
"Anything." I smiled and spoke
"Can I have Musaengchae(spicy radish) and Bulgogi(grilled beef)?"
My smile faltering as his expression changed, he furrowed his eyebrows,
"You want that?" His smile returning, sort of like he was holding back from laughing. I pouted and nodded, taking my bottom lip in my teeth again. He brushed his thumb over my lip, making me release, still pouting.
"what's wrong baby?" I gulped at the nickname, I looked at his face. My face lit up, closing my eyes as I smile,
"Can I have food now please?" He smiled and chuckled,
"Ok, Jiminie"

-TimeSkip-No one PoV-

After Jungkook had cleaned the plates up, he followed Jimin's laughs into the living room, he had switched the TV on and was currently watching cartoons, Jungkook leaned on the wall, his blood feeling as if it was boiling with rage, as he looked at the cuts from the other boys, A wave of jealousy and anger came over him. (Even he couldn't explain why, only yesterday was he talking about not keeping him).
"W-What's wrong? Did Jiminie do something wrong?" Jimin was now in front of the shaking hybrid, biting his bottom lip nervously staring at his chest.
Jungkook pulled the little into a tight embrace,
"Who would want to hurt you?" He whispered, petting the younger boys hair. Jimin was silent, he wasn't sure what to say. A wave of anger, Jungkook couldn't control, hit him, making him push Jimin on the wall he was leaning on. A hitched breath escaped Jimin, the look on Jungkook's face somewhat scared him. But it didn't seem like he was angry with him.

Jimin PoV

He was eye level with me now, eyes full of lust, his expression dark...hand on my neck digging into my cuts, I whimper under him squirming slightly. He roughly kisses me, biting my lip tasting the metallic blood. After he tasted me he quickened his pace getting rougher and rougher. It felt like he was draining my lips of all the blood,
"Ah-Baby, daddy wants you so badly right now," he breathed out in his husky voice.
"Have me daddy" I whispered in his ear nibbling it slightly.

Those words, drove Jungkook crazy he wanted Jimin, he needed him, he felt his ears pop out and tail instantly wrap around Jimin's waist, he needed Jimin. Somewhere in his icy heart, didn't want to hurt him, Jimin is special to Jungkook. There was a place in Jungkook's dark cold heart for Jimin.

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