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I woke up to a note stuck to my dresser, picking it up it read:
Namjoon, Hoseok, and Yoongi are the only ones home, I hope you can survive without us! Hwaiting! Love you as always
-Daddy (Taehyung)

So.. I'm left on my own... that's ok I mean I've been left alone before... And this might be a good chance to interact with the scary Hyungs...
I get up and head into the kitchen, the one thing Jin has taught me is to never miss a meal, especially if he's not around, I expected to see at least one of the boys, but they were no where to be seen... I grab the already made 'Jin' breakfast and headed into the dining room, walking into Hoseok and Yoongi, they both eating silently. They both looked up and down again, I think they thought I was Namjoon.. I sat down at the opposite side of the long dining table and began to eat my seaweed soup.
I unconsciously hummed in delight at the taste and immediately felt their eyes on me, I awkwardly smiled and began to eat again.
Halfway through my meal, I heard Yoongi get up and say "lets talk later.." he took his plates and left for the kitchen. I somehow felt more nervous that Hoseok and I were now alone... After finishing my food I get up and immediately rush to the kitchen, the whole time feeling Hoseok's eyes on me, feeling too vulnerable.. I washed my bowl and plates, after turning around, I immediately got stopped by a menacing looking Hoseok.
I avoided gazes with his and aimed my eyes at his chest. I gulped and jumped as he caged me in between his arms.
"H-Hyung?" I asked nervously, he abruptly clasped my neck digging his nails into my broken skin, making me squint my eyes in pain, and let out a small whimper.
"Why didn't they say anything sooner..." he mumbled under his breath obviously annoyed. He released his grip slightly, letting me open my eyes. He licked his lips and smirked, my facial expression changed immediately, full of excitement and lust, I blushed insanely. He scanned around with his nose around my neck, lick in some parts, and other parts that haven't been touched as he held my waist.
"Ah-sensitive," I moaned.
He smirked and grazed his teeth along the clear skin.
"Ah- stop teasing. Please"
I mewl, he pulls back and pulls my hair slightly back.
"Ah" I whimper at the pain.
He smirks,
"Master likes your voice Jiminie"
I blushed and I felt a sharp pain going through my body, it wasn't as painful as Tae or Jin though, after he pulled back he had cut the skin with the tip of his teeth, I whimper and squirm under him, completely uncomfortable now, his grip on my waist tightens.
"Ah Master please, sensitive! Painful,"
I whimpered as I gripped his arm for support. He noticed me going weak and he picked me up by my legs pushing me onto the kitchen counter, he placed on of his hands on my thigh, the other on my neck.
"This with hurt, Jimin" he said with such a serious tone...
I felt so much pain, the most since I've been here, it was extrusating. After a good minute of extreme pain, I felt my skin tingle, it made me squirm and try to get free from Hoseok's hold.
"Master please it feels weird, stop!" I cry, shivers and goosebumps going up and down my body.
All pain in my body stopped. I felt dizzy and clung onto Hoseok to stop me from fainting, leaning my head on his chest.
"Why did you not come to me after they touched you?" He said calmly playing with my hair calming me down,
"I-I was scared of you...you scared Jiminie."
Shit, did I just say that, I mentally sigh, realising I had just embarrassed myself terribly,
He smiled and hugged me
"It's ok, don't be afraid of me anymore ok?"
I nodded my head in his chest.
"Do you want to go shopping?" He asked, I looked up and nodded,
"Only if you want to..." he smiled wide
"I wouldn't have asked if I didn't want to.. let's go!"

-time skip-

The whole time in the car I was smiling playing with his hand that was gently rested on my thigh. I gave small glances looking at his small smiles that gave me butterflies.
Once we got to the mall he kissed me on the cheek and said
"I have some stuff to take care of wanna meet here in two hours?"
I nodded "y-yes Master" I giggled, before walking away He gave me a credit card, and told me to get whatever I wanted. I was stunned looking at how good he looks wearing full Gucci, realising I'm probably wearing the same branded clothes. I blush realising I'm just standing still looking into nowhere.
I walk into the nearest makeup and fragrance store and picked out the brands I grew up wanting.
I remember my dad being so open to the fact that I was in love with make up, he loved that I was passionate about something...
I caught myself smiling at the memory, I wiped away the tear that was forming and picked out a lot of makeup, Jin previously said, there was no budget since apparently money is nothing to them, he just wants to make me happy.
After I had picked out makeup I picked up some accessories from the shop next door, a couple rings, necklaces and I saw sets of jewellery that caught my eye. I decided to investigate and instantly blushed thinking of buying some for my daddies and Masters. I picked some out:

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