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Tell me your opinions! I appreciate all of you!-Yuri
As we entered the house I was hit with an intense heat, it felt comforting, in this unknown place. Taehyung's hands found themselves around my waist, holding me securely, I have to admit, I like this unusual feeling of being held like this. I felt happy. Like I said before anyone normal would be scared, I'm confused to why I am not, I guess it's because I got nothing left to lose.

I followed Tae into, the living room and saw five perfect men sat around on the various luxurious white couches and immediately turning their attention towards me. Each and everyone of them giving me an ultimate death glare, staring me down. I felt embarrassment cover my face, my clothes they were pretty terrible, definitely not to their standards especially when they're covered in dirt and snow...on top of that my mouth was wide with shock. They are perfection, each of their complexions are slightly different to each others which complements them ever so nicely. 

... I wish I could look that good...

Tae's grip tightened around my waist and growled lowly into my ear for only me too hear,

"Don't think of them like that...It makes me jealous." he whispered, jealous? Why? Because of me?

"YAH TAE! WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DRAG IN THIS TIME? A HUMAN? THAT'S A NEW LOW" One of the perfect men shouted walking forward slightly, with a angry tone.

"Calm down you're giving me a headache Jin. If it helps he tastes amazing." Tae said calmly, rubbing his temple with one hand and the other firmly holding onto my waist. A blush covering my face.
The one that shouted walked over to me, picked me up and pinned me to the closest wall. placing his hands on my wrists either sides of my head.

"He tastes good huh?" He spoke with an insanely dominant voice, which made me flinch slightly. He smirked and licked my neck it sent shivers all down my neck and back. I squirm under him, feeling uncomfortable, knowing the pain that is to come, preparing for it mentally, he sunk his teeth into my clear skin, the pain hit me harder than a truck, I silently shriek, while feeling tears fall from my eyes.  After I felt his teeth pull back breaking the skin around the bite marks, he looked directly into my  teary eyes and asked

"Are you scared yet?" he smirked
I stayed silent until he punched the wall beside me, and repeated
"No." I spoke, more like a whisper. I didn't really know how to answer, I was honest at least, I'm probably dead, I'm prepared, kill me now Vampire it's fine...
He gave me a small smile, and spoke quietly
"you remind me of me,"
I stayed silent, thousands of questions in my head, unable to ask any, my head is pounding, I'm struggling to even keep my eyes open in this heat, at this rate I'll probably die from exhaustion.
He loosened his grip and place his cold hand on the clear side of my neck and gently kissed me, the contact made me shiver, his plump cold lips on my burning ones, he leaned in slightly and whispered into my ear
"I'm keeping you," I gulped and nodded slightly, lip shaking slightly. He pulled away fully and motioned towards the others,
"Introduce yourself, Jimin."
I furrowed my eyebrows, why do I need to when you know who I am already, I gulp and look towards the men sitting, watching, waiting...

"Hello, I'm Park Jimin." I looked towards Jin and he nodded,
"Tell us a bit about yourself Jimin." One of the other men said, he seemed interested, mainly because I'm 'food' in their eyes. They probably want to know what they're eating right? I nodded
"I came from Busan, I'm gay, I'm apart of a abusive family, my dad is dead...anything else?" I said emotionless. I've been through those sorts of questions before, I'm use to it.

After there was no reply Jin said
"Well, everyone introduce yourself to Jiminie," and smiled fondly at the other men.
Everyone looked at eachother until one stood up and walked over, he got extremely close and said
"So the quicker we get this done we can get rid of him right?" He got smacked by Jin harshly, which made me flinch.
"Yoongi, do you know what happened last time you crossed me." Jin spoke calmly,
Yoongi opened his mouth and closed it,
"DO YOU REMEMBER WHAT HAPPENED LAST TIME A HUMAN STEPPED IN THIS HOUSE! I MUST NOT BE THE ONLY ONE." He shouted full of anger, adrenaline in his eyes. As he stared at Jin, Jin rubbed his temple as he spoke
"Get out of my sight Yoongi...I don't want to see you." Yoongi chuckled as he spoke again
"Thats funny, another human breaking this family up AGAIN!"
Jin shouted again
...no one moved, Yoongi picked up his jacket and left without looking back.
Shit, that's what I feel like, complete shit. I'm breaking this family up and I haven't even done anything.
"Exactly..." Tae whispered in my ear as he held my shoulder, massaging it slightly.
"Next." Jin said coldly.
Another stood up and said
"I'm Namjoon, just don't get in my way, and we'll be fine..." I nodded, and gulped.
"I'm Hoseok, I'm probably your only hope in here, well if you last that long." He chuckled, I nodded and looked down.
"Jungkook, introduce yo'self boy! Don't piss me off anymore than I already am!" Jin shouted towards the one wearing the most casual clothes, a black hoodie and jeans, unlike the others (except Tae), they were wearing all formal stuff.
He huffed and got up walked towards me and leaned in my ear and whispered
"I'm Jungkook, you won't last long." I nod, he had the face of someone who'd not blink twice about killing a human, great. I mentally laugh at myself, only half an hour ago I was going to kill myself.

These guys are definitely something special, like wow, they all are incredibly hot and perfect, in there very own way, wow...

I feel Tae grab me immediately after Jin leaves and pull me into the closest room. Which just so happens to be a bathroom. He pinned me to the cold tiled wall and roughly kissed me. My eyes widen but I kiss back. He had bit my lip drawing the metallic tasting fluid, he pulled away and with our foreheads touching he warned
"Don't think about them like that." I gulped and asked
"Like what?"
He glared and smirked
"You know all too well, kitten."
He attaches his lips on mine and sucks my bottom lip,
Saliva mixed with the metallic tasting blood makes me moan even more.
"Ah-Jimin~ah, you taste amazing I go crazy just thinking about you." He said as he broke the kiss for breath.
"T-Taehyung..." I breath out.
"Call me daddy" he whispered into my ear making me moan.
He licked my lip and pecked them once more then spoke out.
"Kitten you're sleeping across from my room. Okay?" He said in a husky tone. I nod and say
"Ok Daddy."
"My cute little obedient kitten" he smirked as I whimpered at the praise.

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