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I was told this room is mine, mine. I couldn't believe it. I have a proper room, with a bed frame, not just a thin mattress on the floor, it had a lock on the inside, ON THE INSIDE, I'm not gonna get locked in anymore. I am so grateful Jin agreed to let me stay, I mean if it wasn't for Taehyung I would've died, but I pretty sure I could've died by Jin's hands if he decided to not let me stay. I am just so grateful towards them. They've treated me better than my family ever did in the short time I've known them.
The room might be bare but I feel like I can make it into something special.
Jin told me yesterday that we could go out and buy things for my room today, though I said it was unnecessary he told me to go find him today and to never say no to him again. So all I need to do now is find him.
I wandered until I found the living room, the same one from yesterday. I walked in and saw Jungkook, he looks tired and angry. I tried to keep quiet and move towards the other end of the room but he gripped me by my shoulder and said
"You avoiding me?" I nodded 'no' and turned around facing him.
"Don't lie to me." His voice was dark.
"Y-you looked troubled, I didn't want to bother you..." I spoke with a shaky voice. He let go of me only to place his hands on my neck and lean down, joining our lips. I didn't know how to react... I kissed back, shamelessly. He broke the kiss, and walked away, leaving me stunned. Well then...
I explored a bit longer, finding a door that says 'Jin' on it. I guess it was his room...duhh
I knocked lightly, I heard something, like creaking, getting off a bed.
He opened the door and spoke
"Jimin, you wanna go shopping?"
I nodded eagerly but then stopped
"Only if you want to go.."
He chuckled and ruffled my hair
"Let's go." He spoke and held my hand to the car...

-Time skip- He's already got clothes and shoes And a phone!..-

I spotted a pastel blue and pink shop, pulling at Jin's sleeve,
"Can we go in?" I asked like a 5 year old. He chuckled and led me by my hand into the pretty shop...
It was all babies things, but for some reason I wanted all of it, the pacifiers, the blankets, the toys... I didn't know what came over me.
"Do you want anything Jiminie~" he asked petting my head.
"Jimin thinks everything is so pretty.." I spoke shamelessly. He leaned over my shoulder and spoke
"Get anything you want." He spoke picking up a basket.
I nodded and picked up anything, everything that caught my eye...

-what was going on in Jin's head-

I didn't think Tae picked up a little... I mean he didn't look little when he walked in before, but now he looks soft, and innocent.. I feel slightly bad for scaring him before.
He picked up blankets, pacifiers, toys, bottles and colouring books. All the things you'd get to cater for a 6 year old...

Jimin PoV

"Hyung..I'm finished..." I spoke looking down. He placed the basket of goodies on the counter and leaned down,
"What's wrong Minnie?" He asked moving the misplaced hair behind my ear.
"E-embarrassed..." I spoke quietly, this is so childish, I've felt like this before...
"You have nothing to be embarrassed about sweetie." He replied, I nodded and smiled slightly, taking his sleeve in my hand and waiting for him..

-Time skip-At home-

I took some bags of clothes and blankets, Jin said I shouldn't of taken anything, but I insisted on helping. We put them in my room and he spoke,
"Have fun playing, Jiminie I'll check on you in a bit okay?"
He kissed my forehead and left.
I sat down on my bed and the urge to cry took over, before I knew it tears were streaming down my face. I was overwhelmed with all this kindness, I wasn't use to it. I sat there for a while just staring, staring into the wall.. I was in shock. I was shocked that there are good people left, even if they are screaming danger. Does my family even care I'm gone? Probably not... I shook the bad thought out of my head and got up, I'll go crazy thinking about this, I got up and left my room...

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