Chapter 7

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This chapter is dedicated to LORRICHSMITH for adding this story in their reading list. Thank you!

Alizey's POV

"O shoot!" came Stefan's voice from the kitchen.
"Everything all right?" I walked in there.
Stefan was standing by the counter, holding his finger which was bleeding.
"You're still a child, Stefan."
I walked over to him and asked him to move towards the sink.
"You should be careful."
"I was making salad for you." His puppy eyes looking so cute.
"Stefan." I stared at him. He moved forward and gave me a peck on my lips, then tucked the loosend strand behind my ear. He traced his finger down my face.
Suddenly there was a splash and water trickled down my face.
"Got you!" I heard Stefan exclaim while managing to run and laugh at the same time.
"Stefan!" I huffed and stomped my feet rather too angrily.

I woke up with a heavy head and had to run to the washroom to throw up. What did we eat last night? Or maybe I slept early, after eating, i thought. But still I went over to calender to check my last period date which was nearing and it still hasn't started. Am I thinking correct?
I'll have to wait till my date passes, until then I can run a pregnancy test myself. So I went outside and asked the driver to bring the following things which I made a list of as I was in no mood to go out.
After about 30 minutes the driver returned and handed me the bag. I hurriedly rummaged through it, got the pregnancy test and ran to the washroom. Its my  first time and I'm scared, alot.
After performing the required stuff, I placed the test on the counter and waited for the results. Meanwhile, my thoughts wandered to the time Me and Stefan got married because it was a business marriage as mine and Stefan's father arranged it when we were kids and they had merged their companies together. It was a no love involved marriage from either sides, though I always had  great respect for Stefan and never had any relation with another person but I had no hope of making a family with him, however I think it's changing.
With a lot of hope and courage, I picked up the test and it showed two parallel red lines.

I have mixed emotions. I'm happy because I wanted a family with Stefan, scared on the other hand because I am unsure of Stefan's reaction.
But I have that hope and a feeling that Stefan will be delighted to hear that he's going to be a father.

I called my gynecologist and made an appointment with her for the next week. Stefan was not at home because last night, he got an urgent call and had to leave the town immediately to a place two hours away, not far by.
I contemplated whether I should call him or not, as this was too big of a news to be told on phone, thus I waited for him.

In the evening, I got a call from Stefan that he's on his way. I hurriedly changed my clothes into some decent ones and made his favourite dish. I'm excited.
I was arranging the plates on the dining table when I heard the car door being closed. Oh! He's here.
I rushed to the main gate and pulled open the door quickly, there stood Stefan, astonished by my sudden behaviour.
"What's up? Why are you so happy? A special occasion?" He asked while handing me his bag.
His eyes raked my body. "You look pretty by the way."
I had worn a dark green satin dress with a thin golden belt at the waist.
"Thank you!" I have this smile on my face which I cant get rid off.
"First go, change and then we'll have dinner. You're hungry right?" I asked.
"Very much"
"Good because I made your favourite dish." I winked.

Within 15 minutes Stefan came back, dressed in PJ's and a black t shirt looking all fresh and clean.
I had taken the food out and was warming it while Stefan had settled on the chair.
"It smells so good!" Stefan took a big breath and sighed.
"It will taste good as......" I got interrupted by the loud doorbell.
"Who can it be at this time?" I asked and shifted my gaze to look at the clock which showed 10:30pm.
"Wait I'll see." Stefan got up and I went with him.

He opened the main door and there stood a girl with a slender physique, wearing shabby black clothes torn at several places, exposing her perfectly shaped legs, but her knees were bruised. I looked at her face, smudged with makeup and her dark hair disheveled.
"Stefan". She was barely audible and with that she passed out, falling into Stefan's arm.

=>Longest chapter I've written till now! The real story has just begun,  hope you guys like it.

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