Chapter 3

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Alizey's POV

Stefan and I entered the hall, glittering all over with two huge fountains on the entrance. It was a beautiful place, filled with lights at every corner. There were people formally dressed, some were talking to each other, some had wine glasses in their hands while some were dancing. Thats too many people for a family, i thought.

At the far end of the hall, I spotted Mrs.Jacobs, my mother in law dressed in a white full lenght gown looking so pure and beautiful. I excused myself and went to greet her. On the way I met Claire, Stefan's younger sister. She is too pretty for a 16 year old.

"Hey, you look beautiful." I told her.
She was wearing an elegant blue dress reaching her knees, with her hair tied in an updo.
"Thank you so much. So do you." She replied much politely.
"I'm in a hurry right now. I'll talk to you later. Okay?" She hurriedly asked.
"Yes sure. We'll talk later." I replied and moved to meet Mrs. Jacobs.

"Hello. How are you? You look so pretty Mam." I told Mrs.Jacobs.
"Oh, no sweetie dont call me mam, just Elizabeth and Thank you so much, you look even more prettier."
I blushed at her compliment. She is such a nice lady. I always feel comfortable with her. She is like a mother to me.
Oh speaking of mother, where is my family?
I looked around and noticing me Mrs.Jacobs asked, "are you looking for you parents?"
"Yes. Have you seen them?"
"There over there." She pointed at the table where my mom and dad sat.
I thanked Mrs.Jacobs and moved towards my parents.

"Hey Mom, Dad. How are you?" I greeted both of them by giving a kiss on their cheeks.
"We're fine, how are you? We missed you so much." My mom replied
"Trust me Ma, I missed you guys more." I told them.
We talked about different things, I asked them how are they doing and is everything alright.
I was so engrossed in the converstaion with my parents that i didnt notice Stefan, standing behind my chair.
"Hello, Stefan. Its so good to see you. Have a seat." My dad offered and I turned around.
"Thank you so much but I was just leaving. I came to take Alizey. We have to go somewhere." Stefan replied.
Did we plan to go somehwere? Not that I remember.
Nonetheless i said goodbye to my mom and dad and left with Stefan.

As soon as we left the hall, I asked Stefan where are we going but he just shrugged off my question by saying, "Walk faster."
"I'm wearing heels. Its not easy. And you're wearing causal shoes. See?" I questioned Stefan annoyed by his order.
"Do you want to wear these?" He asked pointing towards his own shoes.
Was he really offering me? Thats so sweet of him to be honest.
"No, thanks." I replied and maintained my pace.

Soon we reached the parking lot, Stefan unlocked the car and without wasting any time we were on the road.
It was dark, except for the light illuminating from the street lamps and the number of cars rushing past each other.
A gentle breeze was blowing and I rolled down my window to feel the cool air brush past my hair.

"You like it?" Stefan asked with a small smile playing on his lips.
"I love it."

He averted his eyes back to the road, still smiling.

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