Call me Cheese

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Cory's P O V

I stormed out of the offices angrily, went into the nearest city and started walking. I needed to think. So now portals and magic exist, that's uh new. I can't believe those idiots decided not to 'interact' with them, there's so much we could do! I mean what if I got my own magic?! That would be awesome! But of course protective sky just had to go ruin everything. Ugh, sometimes I hate those dweebs. Like Ross, their channels always get more attention than mine. But not like Ross, they always tend to leave me out on everything. "If you hate them so much why don't you do something about it?". A voice behind me said. I turned around to see who spoke to me in the street, but as I did someone else ran into me. "UGH watch where you're going!". A familiar voice said. "Sorry I was just- wait, Korista?". She turned around to face me "Oh! Cory! How've you been? It's been ages since I've seen you!". The girl said helping me up. "Yea, well ever since max dumped you we haven't- oh sorry that was stupid. I shouldn't of brought it up like that.". I said. "I-it's ok. And I broke up with him, it wasn't working out."((NOT THAT IT ISNT IN REAL LIFE MAX AND CHEESE ARE THE BEST. JUST DOIN THIS FOR THE STORY! PLEASE DONT HATE ME.)) Korista said. "Well uh hey, if your not doing anything, would you wanna go grab some lunch? It's on me.". I asked politely. "Sure I'd love that, but first one question. Aren't you still dating Shelby?". Korista asked. " Yea but I'm only dating her for more views on my channel. I'm not really that into her, it's more of she's into me.". I responded. It was true. I thought if she loved me, that would mean I would be bound to love her. But it didn't quite work out like that so shes just fallen into my arms forever, so I lied and said I loved her back. "Well ok then, and by the way call me cheese.". Cheese said as we walked to find the nearest restaurant.

magic ( a shelax fanfic) NOT FINISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now