Chapter 3: Chan

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Lee Suji

It hasn't been long since Suji met the guy. In fact, it was just a day ago. Suji would never forget the kind action of his, but still; she would not forgive him for his previous acts.

She thought that maybe he really did like her, but thought what nonsense it was. No one would ever crush on Suji.

She didn't really care anyway. As long as she had her mom and friends, she was safe.

Suji didn't do much in the morning. It was the normal "school lecture" by her mom and it was a normal day for her to walk to school by herself.

She didn't meet Yuchan on her way, but she didn't care about where he was. It's not like she even intended on meeting him.

The sky was dark and the moon was still glistening. Suji swore that she wasn't out at night because it had been 6:35 AM when she woke up.

Yeah, it was 6:35 when she woke up. It was 7:00 when she left. Seven...

Suji sprinted without knowing what was happening. Seven o'clock. Classes had already started. No more students are walking around. Suji thought to herself, "I'm late... I'm late..."

Once Suji has reached the glass doors of the massive building, she slammed the doors opened panting hard. She looked side to side, but no one?

The staff weren't in their offices and security wasn't anywhere. Where were they?

Suji didn't know what to do. She grabbed her phone out of her hand. There in a box read, "School's out today." It was from Hyunjoo.

Suji didn't know what to do. How come she was the only one who didn't hear about this?

"You came too?" the familiar voice rang in her ear. She was too hesitant to turn back, but when she did, she was relieved that it was only Yuchan.

"Y-yeah..." the stuttering girl replied.

"I honestly don't really care if students aren't allowed to be here right now," Yuchan stated. "It's stupid anyway."

"How?" Suji asked.

"How?" Yuchan repeated. Then, he laughed lifelessly. "If students weren't allowed to be in this building," he said. "then why would they not show signs?"

Suji stood still. She didn't know what to do. Should she raise a muscle? Should she walk out of the building? She she just stay and talk to Yuchan?

"Y-Yuchan?" Suji said trying to remember his name. "Why is today cancelled?"

"I don't know," he answered and put his hands in his pockets. "It's useless to know anyway."

Suji didn't like the sudden attitude Yuchan was giving. She knew he was always cocky and sassy, but she wanted an answer. A real answer.

Yuchan started to walk off. Not in the direction of the exit, but the direction of the hallway.

"Why are you going there?" Suji asked curiously.

"I'm just going to explore," Yuchan answered. "Why?"

"Don't 'why' me," Suji spoke. "You know why I'm asking."

Yuchan rolled his eyes and darted his eyes to his path. He walked off starting slow and then fast. Suji rolled her eyes and followed Yuchan.

"Why are you following me?" he asked as he noticed Suji walking behind him.

"I don't know." she replied.

"Go home," Yuchan stared at her with the corner of his eyes, his back still facing her. "You don't need to be here."

"Why not?" Suji questioned.

"Because... you don't need to be here," he stated. "Aren't you going to go home and hang out with your friends?"

"I don't want to," Suji said. "I'm staying here!"

She could feel Yuchan roll his eyes again. He continued to walk as Suji followed behind. Suji was only a few inches away from him. She tried to keep up to his pace, but Yuchan kept walking faster.

He stopped at a door that read, "Meeting Room."

"Why are we stopping here?" the short female asked.

Yuchan didn't answer and opened the door. He stepped inside and Suji followed. Inside, was a stage with two sections of chairs. Seven chairs were in one column and there was nine chairs in one row.

Yuchan stepped onto the stage and Suji followed behind him.

He looked so upset when he stepped up.

"Are you okay?" Suji asked when she noticed the sadness in his face.

"This was where I met my friends," Yuchan said. "Three of them left because they transferred to another school." Yuchan stared at the ground.

Suji stood still. Should she comfort Yuchan?

She walked up to Yuchan and stood next to him. Close enough to see his face. For some unknown reason, she cupped Yuchan's face and told him, "It's okay. I'm sure you'll make more friends."

She, then, smiled at him, but Yuchan pushed her away gently, saying, "Don't do that."

Suji tilted her head.

"Why not?"

"It's embarrassing." Yuchan answered.

Suji was confused, but before she could say anything, Yuchan walked up to her until they were only a few centimeters apart. He grabbed her hands and held them close to his chest. The interlocked fingers left Suji nervous, yet her heart was somehow fluttering?

"Suji," Yuchan spoke. "I know this is sudden and I know that you still think of me as a jerk, which I still am," his grip got tighter and his face became as red as a tomato. "but can you call me 'Chan?' That'll make me more comfortable," Suji stared. "around you."

"S-sure," Suji took a moment to think. "I will."

Chan gave out an effortless laugh and smile and Suji.

Suji's face got bright as Chan released his grip.

Suji didn't know what this feeling was.

Was she in love with Chan?

~ ❦ ❦ ❦ ❦ ❦~

chanji_09 has finally published the third chapter of "Golden Romance" called "Chan."

I'm really sorry for not updating. I was quite busy with tests, but now that all those are in the past, I'm back!

I hope you guys didn't wait too long and I'm glad that I have so many sweet people supporting me.

I can't help but feel relieved that I have some people that like my story! For the next challenge, lets get to 210 reads and 30 votes!

Thank you for reading!


Golden Romance||Kang Yuchan (A.C.E/UNB) × Lee Suji (TheArk/UNI.T) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now