100 Votes Special

307 10 2

10 Facts About Me

1. My birthday is on December 10.

2. I like reading Webtoons.

3. When I was a kid, I always wanted to be an author.

4. I like traveling.

5. I'm interested in gardening even though I'm not good.

6. People use to call me an owl in elementary because I was smart. It became one of my nicknames, "Owl."

7. I am the youngest in my family.

8. I like baking and I like sewing.

9. I'm bad at sports.

10. I use to cuss a lot when I was an elementary student, but I stopped when I got to fifth grade.

~❦ ❦ ❦ ❦ ❦~
So, do we share anything in common? Just so you guys know, for the next specials, it might be like a Chan X Suji one-shot or, UNI.T member X UNB member one-shot, or a Unit B contestant X a Unit G contestant. Anyway, thank you for reading!


Golden Romance||Kang Yuchan (A.C.E/UNB) × Lee Suji (TheArk/UNI.T) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now