Chapter 8: Feelings

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Kang Yuchan

Lee Suji.

Lee Suji..

Lee Suji...

Everyday started to change. After being caught, Chan couldn't stay still. His mind continuously moved around. He couldn't focus.


Why did he even have to bother Suji in the beginning? Why didn't he just ask her to move over politely? Why couldn't he just say he was sorry? Why did he have to make a scene? And why did he have to embarrass Suji?

"Kang Yuchan," Mr. Kim said. Chan looked up. Everyone's eyes were on him. He was nervous. Even though he was close to everyone in his class, something about their stares made him tremble. "Why aren't you paying attention?"

Chan ruffled his hair. "Sorry."

"Sorry?" Mr. Kim repeated highly insulted. "Sorry? You're saying sorry for not listening? Pay attention!"

Chan didn't answer.

"Mr. Kang," Mr. Kim said. "If you don't answer me, I'll send you to the front."

Chan still did not answer.


That was that as Chan made his way out. He grabbed his backpack from the end of his desk and walked over to the door. He opened it and slammed it a hardly behind him.

Instead of going to the front, Chan exited the building. It was a wrong move though. He ran for probably a few minutes. Rain poured down. Wind swayed across the air. And Chan continued running.

He covered his face with his palms. He was so upset. Chan wasn't angry at Mr. Kim. All he wanted to do was leave. Chan hated The Unit School.

What was the point of attending anyway?

Chan wanted to go back to Jeju. He was full of despair. Chan continued to run until he bumped into someone.

"Ahh!" a feminine voice yelped.

Chan looked down. It was a girl. She had brown short hair to her shoulders.

"Oh," Chan said a little heartlessly. "Are you okay?"

The girl looked up at him. She nodded. "I'm okay," she told Chan. Then she looked around Chan. She looked at his white uniform. It was all dirty and dusty. "The Unit School?"

"Y-yes." Chan answered.

"I attend there too," the girl smiled. "Baek Yebin's my name. I know we won't see each other often, but let's get to know each other." Chan nodded. "By the way, are you okay?"

"Yes." Chan said.

"What's your name?" Yebin asked.

"Kang Yuchan." Chan said to Yebin.

"Great! Nice to meet you Yuchan." Yebin said.

Chan nodded awkwardly. Then Yebin told him that she would be leaving. Yebin walked off leaving Chan alone.

Chan continued to walk. He walked until he heard crying. It wasn't a baby crying. It was soft crying.

Golden Romance||Kang Yuchan (A.C.E/UNB) × Lee Suji (TheArk/UNI.T) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now