Chapter 2

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"What does she think of herself !That she can-get pregnant and then give me all the responsibilities to her oups Baby !"Suman was frustrated and never thought in a million of years that she would be stuck in a situation like this

"Well I can't keep the baby here, I'm always at work and I had to raise you girls, that was enough for me"

"You raised us but you never cared for us Maasi ! I was the one looking out for Urvashi, you never loved us we had to raise ourselves!"

"That's not true ! I gave you girls a roof , food and made sure you guys got an education"

Suman rolled her eyes "I paid for my own education by working at the mall! Where was the love ? Not once did you encourage us to pursue our dreams not once did you hold us in your arms and say ... I love you "Suman was getting emotional , in moments like this wished her parents were still alive . She never forgot the way they would shower their love on her and sister.

Rachna didn't say anything feeling guilty, she was also young when the girls became her responsibility, she didn't know how to raise kids but Suman was a very sensible girl and took good care of her sister really well.

"Didn't you talk to urvashi ? She didn't tell you she was pregnant? "Rashna asked

Suman was on the phone trying to dial her sister !

"Arghh!! She's not picking up her phone ! I haven't spoken to her for the past 6 months ! Last time I spoke to her she told me she was going to Hawaii for a photo shoot and then had few fashion show assignments" Suman said annoyed as she kept trying to call

" She was probably lying to you so she can hide her pregnancy.". Rashna said shaking her head "I just opened the door and found him on my door step with a baby bag"

Suman exasperated and sat on the couch staring at the baby who seemed to have no clue what was going on ,he was sleeping as if he didn't give a hoot about the worries of the world!

"I guess I have no choice, I will take him until I can connect with Urvashi"

She kneeled down watching Araav sleep, he was one month and a half and probably stayed with Urvashi for a bit before she gave him away .

She carried the cart with Rachna following to the car with the baby bag "If there's anything let me know "

Suman smiled sarcastically "it's ok I think l could handle it "

She settled the baby cart in the back remembering while waiting in the clinic for her appointment she read a magazine on babies and saw how a baby seat was buckled .She didn't think she would need to know that so soon but glad she flickered through that page .

Suman drove carefully glancing back through her rearview mirror keeping an eye on the baby . As they reached her apartment she was exhausted! She didn't know where to start! She tried calling Urvashi again but no one picked up .

Suman took a deep breath feeling frustrated, annoyed and nervous ! She had to take care of a baby with zero experience! She was in the kitchen munching on a cookie trying to calm herself down

"Ok sumo relax you can do this! "She suddenly heard Aarav crying and quickly ran to the living room which was cozy with a nice grey carpet and matching sofa's against the wall . She had a big window giving her a beautiful view of the green forest in the back.

She kneeled down trying to unbuckle him "urgh!! Why is this so complicated?"

She finally got him free and picked him up in her arms cradling him ,he was so tiny which made her more nervous ,she felt as if he was so fragile and scared to drop him

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