Let's Think Back, Shall We?

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The outfits are in the external link

 (Nique POV)

He likes me? Whoa. Uhm…what do I say? ‘Cause…I’m not sure I like him back. I mean, look back at our past, he brought me all types of pain. “Ray…I..” I said.

 “It’s cool. I know you don’t feel the same way. Trey made me come and tell you.” Ray says.

 I bite my lip, looking down at my shoes. “It’s just…our past together..it—”

 “I know, Domi.” He says softly, then walks off.

 Trey waves ‘bye to us, then leaves with Ray. I go back over to the girls.

 “What just happened?” Cha asks.

 I pick my bags up. "Nothing. Let’s go." I said, leading the way.

(Ray POV)

“What happened?” Trey asks, catching up with me.

 “The exact thing I told you was gon’ happen.” I said.

 “She don’t like you?” Trey says. “She said that?”

 “Nah. But…look, I know she doesn’t. I treated her so wrong while we were growing up.” I said, as we passed his house.

 “You wanna chill or…?” Trey says.

 “I’ll catch up with you later.” I said. We did our handshake and I head home. TiTi and Dad were watching “I (Almost) Got Away” (A/N: My mom LOOVES that show, haha).

 “Hey, Ray.” TiTi says, when I pass the living room.

 “Hey.” I said, jogging up the stairs and to my room. I shut my door and fall on my bed, kicking my shoes off. My mind went deep into thought, which is why I didn’t notice my dad walk in.

 “Aye.” He taps my leg.

 I look at him.

 “What’s up?” He asks, sitting next to me.

 “Nothing.” I mumble, looking up at my ceiling.

“Yeah, there is. I know.” Dad says.

 I don’t say anything.

 “Come on, Ray. Don’t shut me out. I know I’ve been gon’ for a while, but I’m still your dad. I can help with whatever’s bothering you.” He says.

 Unless he can get Domi to forget our past, then…he can’t help me with nothing. “It’s cool, dad. I’m fine. I promise.” I said, not looking at him.

 He sits there, quiet.

 A few silent minutes pass.

 “A’ight.” He sighs, getting up. “Whenever you wanna talk, I’m here.” With that said, he leaves.

 I sighed and closed my eyes, putting my hands behind my head. I started to think back on Domi and my history together. I did some foul shxt to her. It seemed like everyday, she would go home crying. Back then, it use to make me laugh. Now? That shxt made me sick to my stomach. How could be I like that? Worst thing about it the whole ordeal…Domi ain’t never did shxt to me. The first day I met her, first day of school 2nd grade, Mr. Long’s class, she was so nice and sweet. She has this vibe to her, she was nice to everyone. Everybody like Domi. Like…who wouldn’t? She was one of the sweetest girls you’d ever meet. She never did nothing to nobody. But, that was her downfall. She was a pushover. As soon as I realized this, I took it to my advantage…me and Trey. We messed with her everyday. At first, it was nothing to serious, just little jokes. But, we hit 5th grade? Shxt turned real. I remember the first time I made her cry. It was during gym and we were playing kickball outside. She was pitching and it was my turn to kick. I wanted a homeroom, but I always wanted to **** with her. Soo…I killed two bird with one stone. I kicked that ball, hard, it Domi right in the face. I flinched, just remember her scream. It was one of those scary movie type screams. While everyone was tending to her, I ran around the bases, getting the home run I wanted. Domi was sent to the nurse, crying. For some reason, I loved watching her cry. It made me feel good. For what fxcked up reason, I will never understand. Mrs. Violet, our gym teacher, told me she wouldn’t tell my dad as long as it was accident. I told it was. She told me that all I had to do was apologize to Domi and all would be forgiven. So…I went to the nurse and found her. Her face was swollen and her bottom lip split. She was fxcked up to say the least. Her looking like that, just made me more happy. So, I told I was sorry…sorry that the doctors wouldn’t be able to fix that face. I told her I was just trying to make her more pretty, but I just ended making her more ugly. She started to cry and I left, with a smile on my face. Every since that day, I got the satisfaction of making her cry. Now…that I’m thinking back…that shxt was foul. It made me feel terrible. Something vibrated. Without moving from my current position, I felt around for my phone. I found it, answering without looking at the Caller ID. “Hello?” I asked.

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