Are you drunk?!

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Camila's Pov

Connor is perfect. Lauren and I are unbeliveably happy with him. It has only been two days and he is the perfect additon to our family. Connor has slept in our room for the first two nights. He is so tiny, its scary. He cries almost all night, every night but it doesn't change anything about him. 

Everyone has met him, Dinah, Mani, Ally, Lauren's family. I just wish my family was here to see him. I know they would love him. 

"Camz?" Lauren said sitting on my bed. She was patting Connor's back. 

"Yeah?" I mumbled. 

"I just wanted to check, Vero asked me to go out tonight? Do you mind watching Connor on your own?" She pleaded. I got it. She was always a party girl, I wasn't. 

"No, of course you can go" I smiled.  She squealed in joy and I giggled. 

I took Connor from her and put him on our bed and changed him into new clothes. I blew on his stomach and he giggled and wiggled his arms. I smiled and Lauren laughed slightly. 

~That Night~

"Camz? Does this look okay?" She asked twirling around. She wore a cream colored dress. It was fitting and short, with a sweat heart neck line. 

"Wow. You.. You look beautiful" I said and kissed her. She smiled and said bye to Connor. 

After saying good bye to us, she left. 

"Well buddy, I guess its just us" I playfully said to him. We 

Connor and I sat for 3 hours watching Finding Nemo, until he fell asleep. I placed him on his puffy blanket and went into the kitchen. I ate some gold fish and did the dishes when the door slammed open. 

In came a stumbling Lauren. Her eyes were bloodshot, and she had her heels in her hand. 

"Heyy Babyyy!" She stumbled on her words. I sighed. 

"Lauren, seriously. Are you drunk?!"I whisper yelled. 

"No. Silly egg. I am not drunk. Far from itt! I'm just happy!" She bubbled in laughter. She walked into the kitchen and I heard glass break and loud laughter after it. Right after that, Connor started crying.  I picked him up and started rocking him, as I went into the kitchen. 

Lauren was sitting on the counter drinking a beer and eating cheese. 

"Lauren!! Come on. He was finally sleeping!!" I said harshly. 

"Oops! HAHAHA. Hi babyy, did you miss your momma?! Yeah you did" Lauren said loudly causing him to cry more. 

I walked out and put him in my bed, leaving after he fell asleep again. When I walked out Lauren was sitting on the couch watching tv. 

"Lauren, can we talk?" I asked sitting on the couch. 

"I'd rather not" She said kissing my neck. She dragged her lips up to mine. I pulled away, and stood up. 

"Why the fuck do you always do that?! Ever since Connors been here, you barely kiss me, or even look at me!" She screamed. 

"Lauren, stop screaming." I said and backed up. She stood up also. 

"No. Camila. You don't understand. I want to kiss my girl, I want to be able to touch you. But no. Connor comes first." She screamed walking closer to me. 

"What? Connor is new to the family, he needs to feel welcome. Lauren whats wrong with you?" I backed up even more. 

"Well guess what. I don't care. I'm so angry right now" She said and slammed the wall. Connor started screaming and Lauren went to go get him. 

"Do. not. touch. him." I pushed her back and ran to get Connor. I grabbed his blankets and my sweatshirt and picked him up. 

"Where are you going?!" She screamed. I didn't answer and walked out the door. Connor was screaming, I was crying, and my head was pounding. I walked to Dinah's door. It was 1 in the morning and I had walked 3 miles, and Connor was still screaming. 

I pounded on her door and after a few minutes she answered rubbing her eyes. 

"Camila.. What are you doing?" She groaned. I looked down at Connor and gave her a 'let me in' look. She quickly opened the door. Siope came out in his boxers and quickly ran in to get clothes on.

Connor soom fell aleep and Siope went to put him in the guest room. 

"What happened?" Dinah asked with worried eyes. 

"Lauren came home really drunk, screaming and slamming things, and she got mad because I didn't want to kiss her when she was drunk. She was so mad. Connor was screaming, and she just kept going.." I said with tears in my eyes. She hugged me for a bit. 

"You can stay in the guest room, Connors in there. We'll talk more in the morning. Sleep well Chancho" She said and kissed my cheeck. 

Lets see how much sleep i get tonight...

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