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'Can you wait for me please I just have to go change real quick?' I asked Allison 'yeah shure go'She said and sat down and started staring at Scott with a stupid smile plastered on her face,I just looked at her for a second she looked up at me 'what?' She asked I just smirked and looked down at Scott 'Scott!' I shouted and he looked at me 'come here!' I shouted 'just a sec!' he said and turned to his friends and started walking to us 'what are you doing!'Allison shout-whispered 'Im being a good friend' I whispered as Scott came 'Hey Scott...I just have to go get changed so could you please stay with Allison for me I don't trust..' I started and pointed to all the boy's '..them' I finished and he smiled at me 'shure' he said and I looked at a bright red Allison 'ill just be a minute' I said and when Scott wasn't looking I winked at her and smirked again and left and they started talking.

I was walking to the changing rooms when I was stopped by someone grabbing my hand I flinched and looked at the person and relaxed when I saw Stiles 'Stiles you scared me' I said and put a hand on my chest and smiled 'sorry... I just wanted to ask you something...' he started but was cut off by Jackson 'your Y/N right?' he said trying to look charming I smiled 'yes nice to meet you...Jackson?' I said and said his name like a question 'yes it's Jackson...nice to see that a pretty girl remembered my name' He said fully stepping infront of Stiles and I blushed and looked down with a smile 'don't look down... when you do that I can't see your eyes and that would be a shame since they're so beautifull' he said lifting my chin with his fingers I blushed harder and I was going to say something but Stiles tapped him on the shoulder 'do you mind I was talking' Stiles said annoyed 'I don't care... but I have to go I'll see you around?' he said the first part to Stiles and then turned to me I smiled and nodded he smirked and winked and walked away.

I stood smiling and I looked at Stiles who was glaring at Jackson.'What did you want to ask me?'I asked snapping him out of his gaze 'ohh... I just wanted to ask..umm... never mind'He said and my smile dropped becouse I was disappointed I thought he might ask me out or ask me to hang out... but that's stupid he'd never like me... I'm not pretty enough for him...or not funny enough...It was a stupid thing to think...and besides I've only been her two day's.

'oh..'I said disappointed and he seemed to notice 'im gonna go get changed..' I said and started walking to the changing room 'Y/N?!' he said loudly I turned quickly looking and feeling hopefull 'uhhh...bye' he said and my expression dropped again 'oh....uhhh...bye' I said flashing a a disappointed smiled again and turned and entered the changing room and I quickly got changed.

I left the room and went to get Allison and saw her laughing with Scott I smiled and sat down wanting to let her have a little more time I just put my headphones in and started listening to "what do I know" (the song's on top of the chapter).

I started singing along lightly until someone grabbed my shoulder making me scream lightly and flinch 'STILES if that's you I swear to god....' I started and turned around and Looked to see a tall handsome guy 'Im sorry... I just wanted to tell you that you have a beautiful voice' the guy said 'aww.... that's so sweet...thak you' I said turning a light pink 'Im Isaac...and you are...?' he asked 'im new.. my name's Y/N McCall'I said he giggled at my first comment 'well Y/N you have a amazing voice.... where'd you move from?' He asked 'Scottland' I said 'But you don't have a accent' he said 'I know I get that quite often' I said with a little giggle.

We talked for a while and he seemed like such a nice guy 'Y/N!....what the hell..weve benn waiting for a hour and a half!'I hear Scott from behind me I turned to see him in his short sleeves and Allison with his jacket I smirked at her and she turned red 'Im so sorry....I've just been getting to know Isaac over here' I said and Scott just glared at Isaac.

'well it was nice meeting you Isaac... I hope seeing you around some time' I said getting up and hugging Isaac,he hugged back 'id love to' he said 'bye' I waved while walking away' 'bye!' he shouted back and I smiled.

We walked to my car (yes you have a car in the story...you got It from your dad)

I hopped into the drivers seat 'okey I'll drop you off home and then I'll take Allison' I said 'why don't you just drop off Allison and then me and you go home together?' Scott said confused 'orrrr...you could be a sweetheart of a brother and drop me off and you drive Allison home?' I said giving puppy eye's 'fine... but never do those puppy eye's again' he said with a smile 'thank you' I said and hopped in the back 'Alli you can go in the front since I'm getting out before you' I said happily and she glared at me and I just smiled even wider at her actions

'where are the keys?' Scott asks 'I swear to god if you hurt my car I will hurt you' I said giving him the key's he laughed 'ill try' he said and I lifted a brow like a warning 'im just kidding damn' he said laughing and we started driving.

We talked the whole way and Scott dropped me of 'thank you' I said in a baby voice and he just shook his head making me and Allison giggled.I got out the car and waved to Allison 'bye!' I said and walked to my door and watched the car drive off 'what an amazin friend I am' I said to myself and laughed.I stood there until I couldn't see the car anymore, then I went inside smiling just thinking of how happy Allison must be.


Hope you like it Jazzyleecupcake

And thank you everyone who reads this love ya and I'll see you all later bye❤

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