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I was in class and a someone tapped my shoulder I turned and came face to face with a brown haired girl 'Hey... your Scott's sister right?'She said 'my names Y/N...and yes I'm Scott's twin' I said 'Im Allison..wanna hang out at lunch?' She asked 'of course' I said with a smile and turned around.

Quite some time passed and someone came into the classroom 'Just wanted to say that Lacrosse tryouts are today after school' The man I suppose was the coach said 'Excuse me...you could have knocked' the teacher said angrily 'Sorry Shannon' The coach said obviously not caring making me giggle 'don't forget...also girls can come... not that you'll be able to do it' He said and left.

"I thought he was funny and cool until he said that about the girls..like fuck you I'm trying out"I thought to myself.

After class I headed to lunch and hung out with Allison 'hey Allison could you come with me to tryouts?' I asked 'your not seriously trying out for lacrosse are you?' She asked shocked 'OFCOURSE he said girls can't do it so I'll do it!' I said proudly making her smile 'well N/N....Ofcourse I will' she said and we went to class.

After school Allison and I went to the tryouts she sat on the bench as I went to get changed.I put this on and put my hair in a ponytail

I walked out on the field and stood in line'what are you doing here?'Scott asked but before I could answer the coach walked up to me 'excuse me jung lady you can only watch from the bleachers this is just for tryouts'The coach said making everyone...

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I walked out on the field and stood in line'what are you doing here?'Scott asked but before I could answer the coach walked up to me 'excuse me jung lady you can only watch from the bleachers this is just for tryouts'The coach said making everyone laugh 'Uhh....I came here to try out'I said 'yeah right...run along squirt' he said walking away 'Uhum!...you said girl's can come try out....well here I am,bloody try me'I said sassily making Stiles giggle 'Stilinski.... suicide sprints' The coach said with joy 'But...'Stiles said but was cut off 'now Stilinski!' he said harshly 'Ill do it' I said casually 'what?' the coach said 'Ill do the suicide sprints instead of Stiles' I said 'Y/N you don't have to....'Stiles said but was cut off again 'I don't have to do anything....ever... but wanting to do something is a completely different story'I said sweetly 'ok you can do it with Stiles...and when you're done being a smartass we can think about tryouts' the coach said 'No I'll do it instead of Stiles' I said 'ok then you do dubble...now go!' he said 'Y/N....'Stiles started but was cut off again 'Shut up Stilinski' I said with a smile and ran off.

While I was running I heard alot of vile comments and wolf whistling but I ignored them and finished in record time.'wow...your fast'The coach said impressed making me smile proudly 'lets see how you shoot' he said and threw me a stick 'McCall golie!... everyone else sit and watch!'the coach said 'don't go easy on me brother!' I shouted to Scott 'I don't need to!' he shouted back making me giggle.

I got ready and started running forward and threw the ball as hard as possible and it went in perfectly.I heard Stiles and Allison cheer.
'Lucky shot... again!'The coach said and I did it again...and again....and again,and again,and again.....'Coach it's obviously not a lucky shot after 15 times!' I shouted 'One more thing then your on the team..do golie!'he shouted and I went to the goal and got ready 'Jackson!'He shouted and a handsome boy got up Scott gave me a helmet 'Be careful' Scott said while passing me the helmet I ruffled his hair 'calm down...I got this'I said and put the big helmet on.

Jackson came sprinting and threw it and I caught it with no problem 'seriously!?'I said while laughing 'You made the team.....!' the coach said not knowing my name 'its Y/N McCall!'I shouted 'You made the team Y/N!' he shouted 'yes!' I shouted jumping in the air everyone giggled.

I ran to Scott and jumped on him and he spun me around in a tight hug 'I did it..... I really did it!' I said and he put me down 'ofcourse you did' he said and I smiled and Highfiveld him.

I turned to Stiles and smiled wider and hugged him, after a while he lat go 'thanks for running for me' he said and I smiled and kissed his cheek 'anytime' I said and ran to Allison.

'I did it!!!!'I shouted hugging her 'yeeeyy!!!'She just squealed in return.

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