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'I'll go ask the doctors to discharge you... but your mum wants to see you' Isaac said after a little while and I nodded 'its gonna be okey' he said lightly kissing my forhead before leaving the room and moments later my door opened and I was met with a pair of VERY tired and tear stained eyes 'Oh Y/N' My mum said running lightly to my side planting hundreds of kisses all over my face 'hey mum.... good morning' I said causing her to giggle tiredly

-time skip threw that little convo-

'Y/N the doctor said you....' Issac said coming into the room but he cut himself off when he saw me and mum talking 'oh I'm sorry Mrs.McCall' he said and was about to leave 'It's alright Isaac... come in' She said kindly 'what did he say' I asked him and he looked at the notepad he was holding and handed it to me 'he said you can go... but you need to sign this and you need 24 hour surveillance' he said and I nodded signing the paper 'oh but Y/N I can't take you home now I still have work to do' She said sadly

'oh that's alright Mrs.McCall I can take her' Issac said and I smiled 'oh I don't know' she said looking at us 'please mum' I begged 'you've done so much for us already I couldn't possibly....' She started looking at Isaac 'Please Mrs.McCall, It's really no problem....I think we have a fair shere of catching up to do' He said causing me to giggle 'oh alright but be careful' She said kissing me and unplugging me from the machine's

Isaac Helped me up and wrapped an arm around my waist making shure I didn't fall and took me to his car 'Thank you... I don't know what I'd do without you' I said kissing his cheek and he smiled closing the door and walking to his side of the car

'any music you wanna listen to?' He asked and I thought about it for a second and remembered 'Lighthouse by G.R.L' I said and he nodded and he put the song on and we started driving but I started singing just forgetting Isaac was right there beside me  'when the night gets cold and the lights go out, the sun is gone behind the clouds,and you feel lost and I'll reach out to guide you home with my Lighthouse!....' I sang and sang until I looked over at Isaac who was smiling and I blushed realising that he must be laughing at me thinking about how bad I sound 'why did you stop?' He asked furrowing his brows

'becouse I sound like a dying cat' I giggled out suddenly feeling shy 'no... please sing' he said and I smiled and started again

We pulled up to my house and I saw a jeep in my driveway,but it was orange 'what a hideous colour' I said while getting out but stumbling and falling with a grunt 'Y/N!' Isaac exclaimed while running over to me and lifting me up checking me for scars 'Are you okey!?' he asked worried 'yeah...I think' I said standing up with jelly legs and quickly falling down again before getting cought by Isaac 'let me' he said lifting me up bridal style to the door 'Can I walk in?' I asked and he nodded putting me down and I opened my door

I felt an overwhelming sensation trew my body and I had to grab the door 'its okey' Isaac said putting a hand on my back and I nodded and took a deep breath and walked in and walking up the stairs but heard some crying in my room and I looked at a confused Isaac,so I peeked my head behind the door and saw Scott crying and hugging blizzard 'im so sorry.... it's all my fault' he whispered sobbing lightly

'I forgive you' I said stepping into vew and his head bolted up and I smiled kindly at him and he lounged forward hughing me close and firmly 'Ohana means family right?' I said refering to his present 'and family means nobody gets left behind or forgotten' he whispered back kissing my forhead after a few moments I pulled back cupping his face 'don't cry' I said kindly wiping his tears with my thumbs

(Quick reminder if you forgot this is Blizzard,he was in the beginning of the book but I just forgot to mention him in a while so he's here....he's Gucci)

I knelt down and hugged Blizzard who was jumping on me and licking me like crazy 'hey baby

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I knelt down and hugged Blizzard who was jumping on me and licking me like crazy 'hey baby... who's a good boy...did you miss mummy...yes you did....' I baby talked him hughing and petting him finally feeling happy for the first time in forever (this was not ment to be a Frozen reference but look shit happens 😂) 'oh and Scott... who's ugly car is that in the driveway?' I asked and as if on cue Mia walked out from my bathroom 'Scott where wer w...' she cut herself off and dropped her bag when she saw me 'oh you've got to be fucking kidding me' I said standing up

'Seriously!?....In my bloody room!?' I furiously asked 'get out'I said calmly but sternly 'Get out of my room....my house,my life... just LEAVE!' I shouted angrily and she quickly took her bag and started walking out the door 'I wasn't just talking to Mia' I said looking at Scott and he shook his head 'you ruined everything' I said to him and he looked down ashamed and walked out the door 'but...' He turned to say something but I slammed the door in his face

'why can't I ever just be happy' I said disappointed and slouched on the bed 'I want to tell you that I'll be ok,but I know that means nothing to you... my words mean nothing.... but maybe if I show you that I can make you feel happy .....maby then I could change your mind' Issac said walking towards me and sitting down 'what do you mean?....I don't understand' I said looking at him

'well....let me show you then' he said putting a hand on my cheek and pulling me closer by the waist with his other hand.He slowly leaned forward getting closer and closer and then even closer until our lips we're millimeters apart his hot breath tingling my lips,I looked into his eyes that were full of love and passion blazing something new in me then with no warnin I...


Ha ha boo you just gonna have to wait a while

I know these chapters have a lot of Isaac in them and not alot of Stiles but be patient and give it time this is a Stiles x reader so you know he's coming soon

Thank you for the overwhelming support I really appreciate it and....

I love you all and I'll see you all later bye ❤

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