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I went home and ran threw the door 'Im home!' I shouted and ran to my room went to my pillow and slammed my face in it and started screaming from happiness.'Oh my god!' I shouted threw a laugh and Scott barged into the room 'are you okey?!' he asked panting I just jumped up smiling like a idiot 'Im not just okey....im AMAZING' I said jumping up and down he laughed at my actions 'what happened to you' he said laughing 'Stiles happened' I said putting on a song and I started dancing and singing, but Scott didn't look so happy

'common Scott relax a bit' I said pulling him and trying to make him dance with me '...I don't know about you but I feel better when I'm dancing yeah yeah better when I'm dancing yeah yeah....' I sang just completely full of happiness I was practically bursting but he was frowning so I put off the music 'Scott are you alright?' I asked and walked over to him

'what happened with Stiles?' he asked still frowning 'he asked me out this Saturday and kissed me and I ahhhh!' I squealed in happiness 'he what!' he asked angrily 'He asked me out and kissed me...why?' I said frowning now 'Im gonna kill him' he said growling under his breath 'wow... no you're not' I said crossing my arm's 'Y/N he's off limits' he growled back 'why!?' I said throwing my arms in the air 'becouse I said so!' he said sternly'If he's off limits so is Allison' I said angrily and crossed my arms 'hes MY best friend and YOUR my SISTER' he rased his voice 'and she's MY best friend and YOUR my BROTHER!' I rased mine higher 'well... it's different' he snarled 'no it's not.... actually it's the bloody same!' I shouted after a few moments of silence he put his head down 'he promised' he growled again 'don't make me make Allison promise' I warned 'You touch him or hurt him in any way I will make sure Allison never looks at you again and she sure as hell won't be talking to you' I huffed and he walked away 'I swear to god if you touch him' I said grabbing his wrist he just shook me off and left.

After a few seconds I heard the front door slam shut 'uhhh!' I huffed in frustration but relaxed "common N/N joust relax he'd never hurt his best friend... Stiles kissed you and that's all that matters" I thought to myself and smiled and put the music on again and started getting redy for bed

 Stiles kissed you and that's all that matters" I thought to myself and smiled and put the music on again and started getting redy for bed

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I put my hair up and lied down and fell asleep just worrying about what Scott might do to Stiles.

Scott's POV

I'm FURIOUS!How could he do that he promised.As soon as I left the house I started sprinting to his house I barged into the house knowing that his dad wasn't home I could smell it

'STILES!'  I roared and stomped up the stairs my eye's glowing yellow 'hey Scoo...okey what happened?' he said stumbling back when he saw me,I pushed him up against the wall 'you kissed her?!' I growled angrily
's-she told me she l-liked me' he said and I could hear his heart beat 'and you asked her out!...and on the same day as me and Allison!' I snarled 'Scott claws' he said and I dropped him and he fell to the ground and rubbed his arm 'bro it's just a kiss' he said 'she's my sister!'I shouted 'and I'm your best friend!' He shouted back 'even worse!' I growled 'no it's not!.... better me than Isaac or Jackson...' he said and well he had a point '... at least with me you know I won't kill her or hurt her in any way 'he defended 'and you better not!' I said flashing my glowing eyes 'I WON'T!' he shouted and I relaxed a bit.

'sorry... it's just.... she's my twin and I feel obligated to make sure she gets the best and I need to protect her' I said calmly and he stood up 'I understand but it's me...you know me' he said and I smiled 'well you should have seen her....she ran to her room and screamed in her pillow and when I came in she had the stupidest smile on her face she started dancing and singing and laughing... I've never seen anyone so happy in my entire life.And she was so protective over you it was really cute' I said and he smiled and turned red there was silence for a few minutes 'wanna see something?' I asked 'yeah!' He said enthusiastically and I took out my phone 'well remember the day you first met her you two had a cuddle sesh?' I asked while looking threw my phone 'yeah..' he said nervously 'well I took a pic' I said and showed him the phone

' he said nervously 'well I took a pic' I said and showed him the phone

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'she's so beautiful...' he said under his breath I rolled my eyes 'im just gonna pretend I didn't hear that' I said and he turned red 'want me to send it to you?' I asked 'ofcourse' he said and I Laughed and sent him the photo.

We hung out for a while but it started to get quite late 'I gotta go but I'll see you tomorrow' I said and he smiled 'yup....bye' he said and I started my long-ish walk home.

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