Chapter 12: A couple

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Matt's pov

I wake up , one side of me cold, the other inexplicably hot. That's odd. Looking over, I realize the source of the heat. So Nate and I fell asleep up here? Once again, I've woken up by this boy...

It was also quite dangerous, falling asleep up here. We could have fallen and broken something. Or worse.

Instead of getting down, though, or waking Nate, I simply crack open another diet coke and take a sip. Sitting there on the roof in the early morning, with a sleeping Nathan behind me made me feel something. Happiness. My boyfriend and I were experiencing the peace we want and that he deserves.

"Mmnn.. ugh. its cold," I hear Nate's groggy voice from behind me.

"Okay then, lets go inside where its warm, you can curl up on my bed if you'd like."

"Yeah, that'd be nice."

Leaving the cooler, the two of us take the blankets in through the window and Nate crawls underneath the black and green covers on my bed. After a moment, he asks "Aren't you going to join me?"

"W-what?" I stutter out.

"Well, we are dating, and I'm cold. I think you are too... don't couples normally cuddle at times like this?"

"Oh.. uh... yeah, i guess.. i think so."

"Well then, come on~."


At around noon, Nate went home. He said he needed to have time to shower and such before school the next day. With that also came my opportunity to thank Steph. I sent her a simple 'thank you, the date was a success' text. Of coures, being Steph, her response was 'don't go anywhere, ill be right over.'

When she arrived, she immediately came up to my room, plopped on the corner of my bed and stared at me expectantly.

"What?" I asked defensively.

"Tell me everything. How did it go?" she demanded. I tried to argue, being slightly embarrassed, but to no avail. Finally, I broke, and described the entire date in detail up until Nate left.

"Aww. I knew you two had a thing for each other. I just knew it was a match made up in heaven. What did I tell you!"

"Yeah yeah. Thanks."

"So are you two going to be open about dating... or keep it secret? Are you prepared for everyone to know?" she asked.

"I-i dont know... I'll ask Nate about it l-later, i guess."

"You probably should."

Nate's pov

I have a boyfriend. He's smart, nice, and wonderful. Its too good to be true. Does he really like me? Or did Stephanie perhaps trick him into taking me for a pity date? Anything is possible.

Getting up, I finally decide to head to the shower. Removing my shirt, i look at the lines crisscrossing my forearms. Scars high enough even short sleeves would cover them, and a lot, too. What would he say about that?

I got cleaned up, put a comfortable shirt and shorts on, and went to my room. I should probably go to sleep... not that im tired. Finally, I settle on working on a new song idea of mine.

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