The Argument

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Audrey's POV

My life is so boring. I just graduated from Little Flower Academy, one of the best high schools in British Columbia, Canada. I have recently been accepted into Harvard law school. Awesome right?!?! No. I'm excited about going to Harvard and all but, it's not what I really wanted to become when I got older. I wanted to be a superstar, walking the red carpet with the cameras flashing as I showed off my perfect dress.

I'm not doing anything right now. I'm just eating a tub of ice cream while watching some random show that I've never even heard about. I actually hated TV but I've got nothing better to do. When we got to the ads, I just looked at the screen bored. Suddenly, my favorite commercial came on. TELUS!!!! The animals were so cute. OMG!!!! IT'S A FAT PANDA!!!!! And then the ad ended. The next commercial caught my eye.

"X factor international. 4 guest judges from a previous season will be judging this year. People from all over the world will be auditioning. The auditions start in Canada on August 10th. Go on our website to find find more information."


I screamed and my mom rushed in.

"Audrey!!!! What's going on?!?!?"

"They're holding X factor internationals!!! I could become a pop star!!!! Oh my God!!!! This is amazing!!!"

"You scared me Audrey!!! I though you were being murdered or something!!! she said worriedly."

She's always been scared of murderers. Ever since my big sister, Zoe had been kidnapped, she'd babied me and made sure I was safe at all costs.

"I'm not sure if that's a really good idea. Show business is a hard business. I doubt that you could make it Audrey." My dad said as he came in.

"I know it's hard dad but that's the point of the X factor. Not everyone can win but the people who do make it. I doubt I'll even get past auditions, but I have to try. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity."

"Your dad is right, honey. Besides, you're going to university in the fall. What would happen to Harvard. You won't get in twice."

"Yeah, but the only chance of me missing Harvard would be if I got to judges house. Once I get into judges house, I'll be able to get a scholarship to any university mom. Please!!!"

"I'm sorry honey, but we can't support you with this. If you get to the live shows, we'll do what's in our capability to help, but until then, you're on your own." My mom said to me.

"I can't believe this. This is my offers dream here, and you're just going to ignore me because you want what's best for me."

"Look Audrey..."

I was out the door before my mother could finish the sentence. I walked upstairs and into my room. I got into my laptop and signed up for an audition. The closest one was in Toronto and because my parents wouldn't support me, I got some money from the bank to pay for my flight.

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