The 1DDay

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Louis's POV

It's 1D day!!! We have so many plans for today. We're gonna go out for Mario kart, and we're doing a few game shows. We invited Cher and told her she could invite whoever she wanted. She was gonna tell us but we wanted her to surprise us. Simon was coming with us to one of the game shows.

The doorbell rang.

"CHER'S HERE!!!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. The boys all ran down the stairs.

"Who do you think she invited?" Niall asked.

"Maybe Demi?" Liam said.

I ran to the door and flung it open. There was Cher and Audrey.

"Hey Audrey!!!!" I yelled.

"AUDREY!!!" The other lads said in unison. They all came to the door.

"Hey guys. Happy 1D day!!! So what's the plan for today?"

"Well, we're doing a few game shows and you're coming with, and then we're going Mario karting." Liam told her.


"Fat chance Audrey. Liam is the best at Mario kart." Harry told her.

"You guys haven't seen me drive, have you?" She asked us.

"Aren't you too young to drive?" Harry asked.

"In Canada, you can get your license at 16." She replied.

"Oh..." We all chorused.

"WELL?!?! LEGGO!!!" Niall screamed.

We filed into my car. I drove pretty crazily.

"LOUIS!!! PULL OVER!!! YOU'RE GONNA GET US ALL KILLED!!!" Audrey shrieked. I pulled over. She got out of the car.

"Get out." She said to me as she opened the driver's door.

I hung my head ashamedly and went to her seat. She got into the drivers seat, and buckled the seat belt. She turned the car back on and started driving. She's a much better driver than me.

"Do you even know where you're going?" Zayn asked.

"Yes, Liam told me which studio we're going to. I know how to get there."

"Kay." Zayn said.

We got there soon enough. We walked into the studio.

"That's the first time that car has pulled up here without nearly crashing into the building." Someone said behind us.

"Uncle Si!!!" The boys and I all ran up to him and gave him a huge hug.

Cher and Audrey just stood there oddly. Audrey was glaring at Simon while Cher was looking at Audrey with a questioning look. Simon raised his eyebrow at Audrey who had crossed her arms. I wonder what's going on between them. We went to our dressing rooms. Audrey went with Cher.


Audrey's POV

"So what's up with you and Simon?" Cher asked me.

"Nothing. I just really don't like him." I answered truthfully.

I watched as Cher's stylist started doing Cher's hair. They just pulled it back into a ponytail and added a lot of hairspray. Then Cher's stylist grabbed me.

"No, it's okay. I don't wear makeup." I told her.

She looked at me weirdly before walking away. Cher was looking at me weirdly as well.

"You don't wear any makeup? Foundation? Blush? Anything?" She asked.

"Nope. I'm ugly anyway, makeup's not gonna change that." I told her.

"You are so stupid. I don't get how you can be so insecure about yourself, when you're so beautiful." She looked at me shocked.

"Whatever." I replied.

I know I'm not beautiful. I've looked in the mirror several times. I'm really ugly.

"Come with me!!!"

She grabbed my hand and started dragging me somewhere. We stopped at a door and she dragged us inside.

"CHER!!! WHAT ARE YOU DOIN HERE?!?!?" Liam shrieked.

"Cher, why are we in the boy's dressing room?" I asked her. This was scary. They were all shirtless.

"Boys. This is an emergency." Cher told them.

"What???" Niall asked.

"Audrey here, thinks she's ugly."

"WHAT?!?!?" They all screamed at the same time.

They stared at me like I was crazy. The whole room was silent. I looked at the ground uncomfortably. Harry broke the silence.

"Why on earth would you think that?"

"Umm..." I looked at my shoes like they were the most interesting thing in the world.

Someone with a headset walked into the dressing room.

"Boys and girls, you're on in 5."

"Come on guys, we can talk about this later." Liam said to us.

"Wait, by girls, does he mean that I'm in it too?" I asked them.

"Yup." Niall told me before dragging me off. We got to the set.

We all sat on a couch. The old man who was hosting the game show started taking.

"Louis, before we start, I have something to tell you. There was a night, in a hotel, something happened. Louis Tomlinson, I am your grandfather."

Everyone stared at him. We waited for Louis to react.

"Where have you been all my life?!" He asked dramatically while pretending to cry. They shared a nice 'family' hug.

"Okay. Now we're going to play a game. We are gonna watch toddlers talk about one of the members from one direction. You have to guess which one they are talking about."

We all looked onto the screen. The toddlers were all mumbling you could barely hear a word they were saying. The only thing I heard was 'bad man'. The boys all laughed at the end of the video.

"Okay. Please write down who you think the kids were talking about."

Cher and I shared a knowing look before writing on our white boards.

"Please show your answers."

They showed the answers. They had all written Zayn or Liam. Cher and I had both written Harry.

"Okay. The answer is..."

We all drummed our feet.


"YES!!!" Cher and I screamed, as we high fived.

"Oohh... Beat by a girl!!!" I hollered.

They were all pouting.

"Aaawwww..." I said, jumping up, and grabbing Niall's cheeks.

As I sat down, I saw Harry staring at me. His eyes were no longer the light green they were. They were now a dark, emerald color, burning with an intense emotion I had never seen on a guy before. An emotion that made his beautiful features, undeniably ugly. I'd read about this emotion so many times in the books I'd thought were only cliche. Jealousy. Jealousy was burning in the green orbs of his. Looking at me. Looking at Niall.

Am I missing something?

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