The Almost Kiss

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Audrey's POV

Jocelyn and Amelia were actually really nice. They seemed to get me.

"So what so guys wanna do? I was thinking of going to the beach. " Jocelyn suggested.

"Sure. Why not? What do you think? Audrey?" Amelia asked.

"I don't know. I-I-I" I stuttered.

"Come on Aud! What's the worst that could happen?!?!?" Jocelyn asked.

"I just don't look good in a bikini." I replied honestly. I was always self conscious. I always thought I was kind of fat.

"Oh my gosh Aud! That's such a joke. You?!?!? Looking bad in a bikini?!?!? that's impossible." Amelia said.

"I guess I could give it a shot."

"YAY!!!!" Jo screamed.

"OW!!!! JO!!! MY EARS!!!! THAT HURTS!!!!" I screamed at Jo.

"Sorry." She said. She didn't sound very sorry. I went into my luggage and found my bikini. It was a simple light sky blue bikini. It went okay with my tan complexion. I put it on and got my light blue flip flops. I liked blue. I put on a loose shirt and a pair of shorts over my swimming suit. I packed a light blue bag with a towel, a pair of sunglasses and sun screen. It was kinda stupid since I never got sun burnt no matter what. I got out of my closet and saw that the other girls still weren't ready. Ugh!!!


"COMING!!!" They both shrieked at the same time.

They came out of their closets. They made me feel pretty self conscious. They were both so pretty and I was just, well, me.

"You look so hot!!!" Jocelyn squealed. I blushed.

"I do not. I probably look really bad. You look amazing though." Amelia shook her head. She looked exasperated. They both had bags with them.

"Come on!!! Let's go!!!" Amelia yelled. We laughed and walked out the door linking arms. We walked through the house. This was huge!!! We walked to the beach to find that there were guys??? Oh!!! All he contestants must be in Maui. Amy and Jo walked behind me as if we were some kind of popular triangle formation or something. As we passed, boys would turn around and stare at us. Or should I say just Jo and Amy? Like any boy would stare at me. We found three empty bench and put our bags down. I took the shirt and shorts off. I left my flip flops there and I sat in my bench while waiting for Jo and Amy to put their sunscreen on. I put on my sunglasses. It was really bright. Suddenly Cher and Cheryl popped out of nowhere.

"Hey girls!!!" Cher said. I took off my sunglasses.

"Hi Cher!!! Hey Cheryl!!!" I replied.

"Hello love." Cheryl said before hugging me. What was going on??? this was so awesome!!!

I felt someone tap my shoulder from behind. I turned around. It was Niall.

His face was red and he was scratching he back of his neck.

"Hey Audrey. You wanna come and hang out with the guys and me with your friends, Cher and Cheryl?" He asked.

"Sure. Come on guys. Oh my gosh!!! You don't need that much sunscreen. You're not going to die!!!" I said. Cheryl laughed.

"I'm guessing you don't get sunburnt easily either?" She chuckled.

"Nope. I have never had a sunburn before." I told her. She high fived me.

"Me neither!" We walked over to the boys. Someone else was sitting beside them. It was Simon Cowell. I didn't quite like Simon. I thought he was a really good judge because he told the facts but I didn't respect his morals. I mean who gets their best friend's wife pregnant?!?! I didn't tell him that though. I just smiled politely.

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